Small and micro enterprises as alternative solutions to the problem of unemployment and poverty in Peru
Author: Dr. Nemesio Herrera Espinoza
Senior Lecturer, Faculty of Administrative Sciences of the Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos
Foreword: Dr. Fernando Villarán
Former Minister of Labour, researcher and promoter of SMEs in Peru
Editorial Horizonte: Av Nicolas de Pierola 995 ( Plaza San Martín, Lima Centre) Tel 4279364 to 4274341
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posts in the Boulevard de la Cultura JR. Quilca : Quilca Jr. 263, Centro de Lima. Post No. 9 and 12.
Telephone: 4234337-993923529
I. Economic and social impact of SMEs in Peru
Businesses in Peru - Classes of companies according to their occupation - Classes of company size - Classes of companies according to their property - Characteristics of small and micro enterprises Peru - Key features of SMEs 2008 - SMEs and the business sector in Peru - The economic and social connotations of SMEs - The current situation of SMEs in Peru - The promotion and development of SMEs in Peru - The SMEs in other countries
II. The employer: the key to the success of SMEs
What it means to be an entrepreneur - Characteristics of Entrepreneurs - The training of entrepreneurs - the training of entrepreneurs in universities
III. Activities of SMEs in Peru
Opportunities for SMEs - The activities engaged or may engage SMEs - Industrial activities in SMEs - Main Items in the activities of the industrial activities SME - Service activities in SMEs - tourism activities in SMEs - The activities of food preparation (restaurants and the like) in SMEs - The agriculture and related activities in SMEs - start of business in SMEs - the differential competitive advantage in the success of SMEs.
IV. Sales in SMEs
Main objective of SMEs: win customers, win new markets - marketing strategy in SMEs - The product marketing strategy - the market in the marketing strategy - The costs and prices in the marketing strategy - A case analysis of costs - the advertising marketing strategy - Promotion in marketing strategy - The sales process in marketing strategy.
V. SME finance in
The finance function of business. The entrepreneur and financier - skills and financial skills of the entrepreneur - the capital structure of SMEs - The financial needs of SMEs - Working capital in SMEs - Financial analysis on SMEs - Financing SMEs - financial institutions no bank - guarantees for the financing of SMEs - The cost of capital for financing SMEs - Accounting and taxation in SMEs - taxation in SMEs - The income tax - The general sales tax - Social contributions in SMEs - tax regimes for SMEs - Single System Simplified - Special Scheme for Income Tax - General System of Income Tax - The payment vouchers in SMEs.
VI. The law of SMEs in Peru
Need for Ad-Hoc legal framework for SMEs - Major laws related to SMEs - SME legal Constitution.
VII. Science, technology and innovation in SMEs
scientific research, science, technology and innovation in the development of SMEs today - technology parks and development of SMEs in Peru - The advisory, consultancy and training as means of transfer technology in SMEs - Training in SMEs - The Internet and electronic SMEs.
1. Body Anthology of
2. Documentary Directors
3. Administrative Writing
4. University Management
5. Apurimac, poverty and wealth
6. Effective public universities