Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Is Denisemilani Married





Bulletin 96 March 2010


universities in Peru can be public or private, are regulated by the University Act (No. 23,733). In the past ten years, the number of universities has been growing steadily. However, the greatest growth was recorded universities private (163%). According to research CAD Ciudadanos al Día, based on information recently released by the National Assembly of Rectors (ANR) in 2009, there were 98 universities in Peru: 35 public and 63 private.

Students from the Universities

According to the latest publicly available information, the number of applicants to public universities was almost double that of private universities. Also, public universities have more graduates and graduates. Of the nearly 287 000 students enrolled in public universities in 2007, 58% were men and 42% female. Universities receiving

larger budget
2010, public universities received more funds are: the Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos (S /. 295 million), the Universidad Nacional San Antonio Abad (S /. 239 million) and the National University Engineering (S /. 194 million).

executed and Budget 2010 Budget

Regarding the 2010 Budget, the budget table is led by the Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos (Lima), the Universidad Nacional San Antonio Abad (Cusco) and the Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería (Lima .) At the other extreme are the National University Toribio Rodríguez de Mendoza of the Amazon, the Intercultural University of the Amazon (Ucayali) and National University of Apurimac José María Arguedas. Budget

executed in 2009

In 2009, the Universidad Nacional del Callao Universidad Nacional de San Martín and Universidad Nacional San Luis Gonzaga were the

had higher levels of budget execution (105% 103% and 102% respectively). By contrast, those who had lower levels of budget execution were the Universidad Nacional San Antonio Abad (48%), National University of Cajamarca (43%) and the National University of Moquegua (32%)

funding sources Public Universities

58% of the budget allocated to public universities comes from state tax revenues, a sum amounting to S /. 1.368 million. The resources 30% is collected directly by the universities themselves (Fees, Sale of Goods, Service Delivery, etc.), 9% to grants and transfers, and 3% fee and sobrecanon, royalties, customs and income shares. Spending

Public Universities

80% of the budget allocated to public universities is intended to running costs, while 20% to capital expenditure.

The Public Versus the Private

Manuel Burga *

Certainly since 1996, with Legislative Decree No. 882, which encourages private investment

for-profit higher education college, start a new period in the history of the Peruvian university . A period which I have called Silent Reform, to contrast with the bustling Reforma de Córdoba of the last century. Many criticize the proliferation of private universities, but no one could stop or even regulate this process, because their representatives

, own or linked to these institutions, as officers or teachers, are everywhere. The National Council for Authorization Performance of Universities (CONAFU) could not prevent further creating more universities, and was unable to prevent the Congress believes his side by new public universities. On the other hand, everyone agrees that public universities are in crisis, do not know whether cyclical or structural. Between 2006 and 2010 the total budget allocated to this sector has increased by 41%, but this is an increase in response to the creation of new universities.

The traditional budget, such as San Marcos and UNI qualitatively unchanged: 80% still going to current expenditures (wages and redundant assets) and only 20% of Capital Expenditures. It would seem that falta inversión

pública, pero si miramos el presupuesto ejecutado, en estas universidades, encontramos que solamente 4 gastan lo que se les asigna, todas las demás dejan de gastar. Entonces, todo parece indicar que es urgente una nueva ley universitaria para superar los problemas de mediocridad académica y de grave ineficiencia administrativa.

* Miembro del Jurado del Premio Buenas Prácticas en Gestión Pública, ex rector de la Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos y actual vicerrector de la Universidad Antonio Ruiz de Montoya.


Canon Minero y Universidades Públicas



Bulletin September 16. 2005

knew that this year public universities in mining areas will receive more than S /. Only 44 million in mining royalties? only the National University of Cajamarca receive more than S /. 14 million in mining royalties in 2005? 10% of the budget of the Universidad San Antonio Abad del Cusco for this year is what will transfer the regional government and sobrecanon canon? last year it accounted for about S /. 3 million soles for mining royalties to the Universidad Nacional del Altiplano, and this year the figure is on board the S /. 5 million? more than 20 universities in the country derive income from mining royalties and transfers to higher education by this concept have doubled in the last year?

This year, the Central Government transferred to the regions S /. 888 million from mining royalties, a figure that is 96% higher than 2004. That money is intended, according to Canon Law, regional governments and municipalities of the mining departments, and national universities located in them. In the latter case we are talking about for 2005 is S /. 44 million, a relatively modest amount compared to what they take the other beneficiaries of the fee and the total budget universities. However, in a context in which public funds for education and science are markedly insufficient, these resources can not be underestimated, even more so when you are on the rise driven by the mining boom.

this newsletter, the result of research carried out by CAD Ciudadanos al Día (see derivative InformeCAD N ° 39 "Mining Canon 2005: Status and Prospects", last August), seeks to contribute to transparency in the management of these public resources and facilitate citizen oversight of its use. At present, CAD Ciudadanos al Día also expected to encourage reflection on the responsibility universities in the effort to turn the canon into a lever for local development.

"All universities receive mining royalties?. No. Only mining royalties received national or public universities located in the departments where there is mining. Furthermore, as mining royalties are calculated from income tax for companies that exploit the resource, and this depends on the profits of those companies, public universities receive this transfer as long as the mines in their area have profits generated in the previous period. 28 national universities are receiving this year's mining royalties. In contrast, the Universidad Nacional Pedro Ruiz Gallo, Lambayeque; National University of Ucayali, the National Intercultural University of the Peruvian Amazon, in the same department, the National University of the Peruvian Amazon of Loreto National University of Callao and the Universidad Nacional de Tumbes not receive mining royalties by not being mining areas, but may qualify for other kinds of fees.





Update 66 September. 2009

Under Law (Law 23,733), the are public or private universities, as formed on the initiative of the State or individuals. In recent years the number of universities has grown dramatically. By 2009, according to research CAD Ciudadanos al Día, based on data from the National Assembly of Rectors (ANR), there are 98 universities in Peru (35 public and 63 private). Funding Sources

51% of the budget allocated to public universities comes from state tax revenues, amounting to S/.1 amount, 397 million. The resources 28% is collected directly by the universities themselves (Fees, Sale of Goods, Provision Services etc), 14% Grants and transfers and 7% at Canon item and Sobrecanon Royalties, Customs and Income Shares.



José Dávila C.


Cajamarca, Peru

public university budget grew 41% in the last four years

 are 2.346 million new soles for 2010

 San Marcos, San Antonio Abad Cusco and the UNI concentrate 31% of the budget this year

What is the amount earmarked by the State public universities? What careers have the largest number of applicants? What are the sources of funding for the education sector? According to the investigation of CAD Ciudadanos al Día developed on the basis of information from the Ministry of Economy and Finance, the public budget allocated to national universities grew by 41% since 2006, and in 2010 the budget allocated to the sector amounted to 2.346 million new soles.

The colleges that receive the largest amounts for 2010 are the Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos (S/.295 million), the Universidad Nacional San Antonio Abad Cusco (S/.239 million) and the National Engineering University (S/.194 million), the same ones that account for 31% of the budget allocated to this sector this year. While they receive smaller amounts are universities Apurimac José María Arguedas (S/.7 million), Intercultural Amazonian Ucayali (S /. 8 million) and Toribio Rodriguez de Mendoza de Amazonas (S /. 9 million).

The Peruvian government finances by 2010 a total of 35 national universities, of which seven are located in the department of Lima. 20 departments in the country have a public university, and 4 apartments have two universities each.

Medicine, Accounting and Administration are the most sought after careers

According to the latest information from the National Assembly of Rectors (ANR), published a few weeks ago, the number of applicants to public universities was almost double that of private universities. Also, public universities have more graduates and graduates. Of the nearly 287 000 students enrolled in public universities in 2007, 58% were men and 42% female.

For applicants to public universities, 50% were in the most sought after careers: Management, Medical, Accounting, Law, among others. For his part, 33% of graduates' careers up to the highest concentration of students: Secondary Education, Accounting, Management, Law and Political Science, among others.

About 60% of the budget allocated to public universities comes from tax revenue

According to the investigation of CAD Ciudadanos al Día, 58% of the budget allocated to public universities in 2010 came from tax revenue State amount of up to S/.1, 368 million. The resources 30% is collected directly by the universities themselves (fees, sales of goods, provision of services, etc.), 9% to grants and transfers, and 3% per item fee and sobrecanon, royalties, customs and income shares.

regard to the costs of public universities, 80% of the budget this year is used for current expenditure, while 20% is capital spending.

Manuel Burga: "This situation becomes dramatic when we find that the UNSAAC of Cusco and the University of Cajamarca, rich fee, have run only 48 and 43% respectively of their 2009 budgets.


Dear José Dávila receive my greetings:

can not say without analysis information one receives. Moreover if we are university professors. The budget is a word in our very special country for its effects when used causes. The budget covered by this NGO. It is with a dual purpose. The first is that the state is giving them money every year and leave it standing.

The second is that the fault of the current authorities and take advantage of this part of the former Rector Burga and say "there are poor teachers to be evaluated." Do not forget that all NGOs are numbing of society, serve to capture a few live knows that money home.

you clarify:

The budget of a National University and San Marcos for example is: Budget

assigned this corrupt government of Alan Garcia is only 60% and 98% covers salaries and only 2% goes for investment and if you divide it among 20 faculties are talking about nothing .

The "budget" of the other 40% does not exist at the beginning of the year is projected this year, this corresponds to the known "resources directly raised." Ie 40% is budgeted but will be conducted according to the daily management.

So in this area is for example in San Marcos where you want to get a duplicate of a title charge you 3,000 soles. In a time now principals and deans are passed juggling make this part of the "budget" is met and that any business makes such Alas Peruanas "pseudo make agreements with companies and institutes etc. etc.

UNI Another example in the structure of this budget is 70% and it assumes the UNI and the state 30%. In other words as the budget managed by the university to grow in the same magnitude the state withdraws its goal is to reach zero and assume that each university the Complete economic management.

So my dear Joseph is the "budget".

Question and analyzed in Cajamarca your university as the budget and he told us.

A hug Mr. Isaac Valderrama
Teaching engineering faculty Electronics and electrical UNMSM



Manuel Burga Díaz, a member of the Jury of Good Practice in Public Management 2010, former rector of the Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos and current rector of the Universidad Antonio Ruiz de Montoya, highlighted the status of universities Today public and inefficient budget expenditure. "Between 2006 and 2010 the total budget allocated to this sector has increased by 41%, but this is an increase in response the establishment of new universities. The traditional budget, such as San Marcos and UNI has not changed qualitatively. It would seem that lack public investment, but if we look at the budget implemented in these schools, we found that only 4 spend what they are given, all other stop spending. So it seems that new law is urgently needed to overcome the problems university of academic mediocrity and serious administrative inefficiency, "he said.