Thursday, November 25, 2010

Kawaski Leather Jacket

Quotes of the day of Valentin Paniagua


"What we know is a drop of water, what we ignore is the ocean. "

"If I have made valuable discoveries has been more patience than any other talent."

"Men build too many walls and not enough bridges."
Isaac Newton

Monday, November 15, 2010

Do I Need To Put Oil In Pancake Mix?


The November 22, 2000, Peru experienced a special circumstance that allowed the start of the country's democratic consolidation. Dr. Valentin Paniagua, President of Congress, was elected by Parliament, Constitutional President of the Republic, given that it was removed from office Mr. Alberto Fujimori.

Nation Address to the Constitutional President of the Republic, Dr. Valentin Paniagua Corazao, before the Congress, to take the First Judiciary.

Madam Vice-President of Congress, ladies and gentlemen of Congress, Members of the Diplomatic Corps accredited to Peru, members of the Supreme Court, Ministers, civil, military and church ladies and gentlemen, fellow :

born today a new time. Closes a stage and open another in the history of Peru. A sense of faith encourages the spirits of the nation and an illusion, perhaps excessive, shocking to all Peruvians .

All we believe that here is a new endeavor. And there is a task, perhaps modest, but of great significance for national development. This illusion is not the result of any circumstance political passion or a dream demagogic. Oddly enough, they are feelings arising from a deep national conviction: the need to exalt, to affirm and consolidate the Constitution and rule of life and daily living. And in it, as I said Francisco de Paula Gonzalez Vigil in the historic impeachment the President Gamarra : "Nothing is small, everything in it is great and sacred" . That perceived value of the Constitution inspired and led our hero, "El Caballero de los Mares, symbolically keep his seat here, to proclaim that he did not recognize another leader to the Constitution. And that is precisely what we want to assert, as a source of inspiration in the work that we propose to undertake in these barely eight months that we are entitled pursuant to the liability imposed by Article 115 of the Constitution of the State. Such task is to make a decisive contribution to the reconstruction and restoration of democracy to the various political factions in the country have undertaken in the Roundtable provided by the OAS and that this Congress has been formalized fundamental laws. That task can not be satisfied with mere legal rite of correction or amendment of laws. Should be guided precisely by being democratic in the consultation, dialogue and consensus building. But similarly, must be based on sound ethical principles, politicians, enlighten and guide the steps in that fundamental task. Nothing more appropriate for this effort to remember the three traditional Andean commandment, not only to vindicate our genuinely Peruvian roots, but to project the construction of our destination inspiration without which they failed to consolidate. proclaim, then, and we agree with the principles of Inca ethics industry, truthfulness and honesty .

But the difficult task imposed on us the historical fact that we live must have, first, with the assistance of relevant men truly represent the most cherished values \u200b\u200bof our communities d. And in that sense, I am pleased to announce the country that the Cabinet of the Government of Unity and National Reconciliation will be chaired by the distinguished citizen and Republic Don Javier Perez de Cuellar.

is very short the term of office for the government to preside over trials or try to print new bearings to the economy. However, I can not point out some essential purposes that inspire their driving. It's unavoidable necessity, first, find the fiscal balance as a basic element of economic stability , for which we shall adopt all necessary measures to expenditure restructuring and careful reduction of the sectors and items, in current circumstances, have little or no priority, taking into account the need to maintain essential social spending items and the minimum necessary for public investment. In the same vein, we will review with special attention the structure of our foreign debt, and after appropriate evaluation techniques, planted pathways and multilateral actions to adjust the payments in question to our real economic and social capabilities.

But this, again, no surprise, improvisation and unilateral decision, but negotiation and strong commitment from the Government over which I preside to alleviate the economic situation facing the country today.

No one disputes the urgency of increasing domestic and foreign investment in recent times, unfortunately, decreased. For that reason and for being the key element for economic growth and expansion of the jobs demand that the entire country, we will adopt, consistent, all technical measures in the short time that we apply and required to assist, cooperate and contribute to the dynamism of the investment is higher in this phase.

evaluate the results of the privatization of public enterprises and carefully analyze the fate of more than 9 thousand 200 million dollars from its sale.

In this hour, they raise many hopes, will try to take some steps in the process of decentralization for so many years the people of Peru have requested and that the country wants .

municipalities created in the previous century, through the work and decision of President Belaunde , here, will not be seen as a governmental agency or condition the necessary cooperation of the executive branch of political interests.

I am well aware that until decentralize the country, our democracy and our development will be weak. I hope the new budget, within the severe limitations which are explained in the fact that the country, giving the interior provinces and resources to promote their progress through appropriate and timely transfer.

is, on the other hand, central responsibility of this Government, and clear constitutional mandate to hold elections. Having already made the call by the government that preceded us, the ratified and announced that this will be the central task to undertake with full devotion.

First, ensuring the more zealous than any dependence Public interfere in the electoral process and ensuring total neutrality of public institutions in that act. Secondly, in cooperation with electoral bodies as required for the accomplishment of its mission. And thirdly, ensuring the preservation of public order and social peace as essential precondition for the people of Peru to discuss and cast their vote freely and independently, and the certainty that their will as expressed in the ballot boxes will be scrupulously respected.

is very brief, as I said and we all know, the time corresponding to the Transitional Government.

For that reason, requires the cooperation of all institutions and sectors. Believing subjection of the Armed Forces and Police to constitutional order, internal peace and external guaranteed. They also secured international commitments and obligations that bind to Peru, just is guaranteed to work afety domestic legal independence that the judiciary should act, the Public Ministry, the Constitutional Court and other institutions to which corresponds to its defense and ensures that the executive branch, and which help to fulfill their high efficiency and inexcusable constitutional responsibility.

At this stage of transition is more necessary than ever cooperation among national and foreign entrepreneurs to allow safe transit to the new government that the people elect and without affecting or resent the projects or initiatives Economic currently underway. The Government will act with seriousness, transparency and accountability, to avoid jeopardizing the success and development of these efforts which failed, of course, would hurt Peru's economic stability.

The Constitution and the restoration of democracy assume a collective endeavor. I call, therefore, to all sectors of the country and especially so ask the cooperation of young people who selflessly fought for democracy, and with whom I shared so many years of academic concern. I ask also the understanding of trade unions, social work and to make possible a fluid and dynamic traffic towards a genuinely democratic government chosen in elections unobjectionable.

summon in addition to all Peruvians , including housewives that face now suffering from the economic crisis has come to tell When the constitutional re-institutionalization of Peru on the basis of dialogue and consultation. Anyone to feel excluded. I know that even our political opponents, whose differences we welcome and respect, consistent with the purposes that animate us, and I am therefore convinced that this government may be able to realize the consensus and dialogue as means to ensure national unity, which is the basis of all prosperity. thank from the depths of my heart, to all political sectors, including our adversaries , in the midst of the storm we have experienced in recent days have had the success portend greatness to this brief provide management and cooperation, of course, accept and desire for the good of the country.

thank, finally, the representatives of friendly countries to confirm their presence and respectable old historical links. I thank the people who accompanied us with her warmth and enthusiasm in recent days. I am absolutely convinced, Representatives, in this climate that maybe we can start the process of the country will fly in the path of progress, making it truly the motto coined by the founding fathers as a pledge and commitment to the future of Peru: strong and happy marriage.