Looking for new models of university management in Peru
Invited by the Universidad Nacional San Cristobal Huamanga (Ayacucho) and another time by the National University Hermilio Valdizán (Huanuco), we have seen on the subject of university management. In both events, I have raised the following views:
FIRST: Peru, according to the characteristics corresponding to the level of macro economic and social development, in the XXI Century and Third Millennium, is still an underdeveloped country. The features of poverty and extreme poverty still remain intact. The quality of life of Peruvians remains at very low levels.
SECOND: EDUCATION is the main factor to drive the actual development of the country's medium and long term that essentially means increasing gradually but steadily, the quality of life of Peruvians. However, in Peru not only have a proper education centuries and an educational model for underdevelopment, but what is worse, the education that should be a national priority in the policy of the state is a matter of the fifth category for governments in Peru.
THREE: The University, as part of Education, has a role in promoting national development through two symbiotic goals: first, the university must produce science, technology and innovation through scientific research, and second, the university must provide the relevant professional society. Without science, technology and research professionals with no new entrepreneurs is impossible to construct a new Peruvian society. But as well as education, the university in Peru is typical of past centuries in which the state does not care. The Peruvian university model no longer meets modern requirements and does not contribute to the economic and social development.
Thus Education and, within it the University, are the main factors axis promote national development in the XXI Century and the Third Millennium. However, currently the Education and, within it the Peruvian University, are being obsolete because they no longer meet the requirements and demands of the times ..
FOURTH: change the current educational model and, within it, the change of the university, necessarily involves a process of medium and long term and requires, above all, taking on a new and distinct national government has the policy of prioritizing the State Education and, within it, of the University.
However, to promote new models education and within them to promote a new model of university, we should not expect the advent of a new state and new and different governments do not know when it will occur. It is for educators to lay the foundations for a new Education for Peru.
Qunta: But in regard to the University, this raises the following scenario. The Peruvian university is obsolete, is in crisis, not responding to the needs of national development, does not produce science, technology and innovation and not a professional with adequate levels of employability and entrepreneurship because the university administration, ie the University management, is anachronistic, irrational and very last century, but mainly the university administration is inefficient and corrupt. The mediocracy (read Joseph Engineers on the concept of mediocracy) and corruption are the main characteristics of university management.
SIX: To address the issue of adequately University Management Theory raises three fundamental axes of the University. What is this theory? Is to establish the university, by its inherent nature, has three interrelated key issues in the following hierarchy: 1) Scientific production of science, technology and innovation, 2) formation of a new type of professionals, and 3) the management of the university.
In light of this theory we can state categorically that the Peruvian university is obsolete and does not contribute to the development process of the country, mainly due to three main reasons: a) it produces science, technology and innovation in the levels and qualities that modern times demand, b) does not provide society with a new type of professionals contributing to national development and, conversely, is cloned professionals unemployment (underemployment) professional, and c) management college is archaic, mediocre and corrupt. In the context of the three axes, university management is of vital importance because without the suitability of it is impossible to achieve the quality of scientific research and training.
SEVEN: The honesty and transparency in university management is absolutely necessary to achieve quality in scientific research and training of professionals. There may be good policy research, good researchers, may have enough money to research, have good teachers, there may be acceptable curricular structures, etc., But if there is no good university is not going to achieve results in terms of scientific production or as to the proper training of new professionals. Thus, the Peruvian university for its development needs new management. "Give me a new model of university management and I will transform the university."
Good management means that the university college, in the management of scientific research as well as management training process, has a culture planner, which allows not only have short development plans, medium and long term but the pace of college guide discretion necessarily for them. Plan is to develop two separate plans and save files, plans and plan is to have dynamic control system that enable the university did not walk at random and drifting but for a track.
Good management means that the university college, in the management of scientific research as well as managing the process of training, it has resources and talent to get them and invest profitably, they are well organized, simplified, streamlined and well used.
A good college means management the university, both in the management of scientific research as well as management training process, has the capacity to harness the human talents of the faculty and staff of the university, is simple and dynamic organizational structures based on human teams .
But above all, a good college means management probity and transparency in managing the affairs of the university. A good college means, primarily, the lifelong struggle against mediocrity and corruption. efficiency and integrity are the two factors that Peruvian university administration must possess to achieve a new university to produce science, technology and innovation for the development of the country and offer a professional society with new attitudes and new ways of acting.
Nemesio Herrera Espinoza
Nemesio Herrera Espinoza