Carlos Slim (Mexico), telecommunications entrepreneur, leads the list of the richest in Latin America with a fortune that would amount to $ 63.14 billion, followed by Eike Batista (Brazil ), a businessman in the mining sector, with a heritage that would amount to $ 31.82 billion. Far below, (post 18) Brescia family is located, mining entrepreneur with a fortune that would amount U.S. $ 4.49 billion. As Alberto Benaven and family is located in the since 35 (mining entrepreneur) with a fortune that would amount to $ 1.93 billion. The following table see list published by América Economía.
Thursday, April 28, 2011
Pet Duck Billed Platypus
888 million for five Peruvian regions in the list of the wealthiest families in America
Monday, April 25, 2011
1996 Dutchmen Travel Trailer Gvwr
SAN MARCOS, uncomfortable truths Book
SAN MARCOS, uncomfortable truths
San Marcos
Book Author: Dr. Nemesio Espinoza Herrera, principal of San Marcos University Professor
SAN MARCOS, uncomfortable truths
Analysis of the current situation of the Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos whose uncomfortable truths remain silent
The situation Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos is expressed in the symbiosis of three cases binding: Scientific Research, Training and Management of the University.
In the context of the interrelationship of these three cases Axes, San Marcos find itself in a harsh reality: having all-tradition prestige, resources, San Marcos would be the best university in Peru and one of the best in Latin America. However, San Marcos is just one of the many universities in the country and world is muted. The explanation is that in San Marcos: 1) There is scientific research in terms of quality and results that the times demand, 2) Because there is no good vocational training consistent with the demands of today precisely because it is not linked to production of science and technology, ie for Scientific Research, and 3) The main reason why there is no good scientific research and Training is good effect of the archaic management San Marcos where corruption prevails and mediocracy.
San Marcos
This reality is not new but remains intact for decades, although it has been further exacerbated in the last five years.
Integrity and efficiency in the management of the University is a prerequisite for San Marcos, medium and long term, claiming national and international prestige by demonstrating that produces science, technology and innovation in hand with the formation of competent professionals with of adequate levels of employability, consistent with the needs and characteristics of the XXI Century and Third Millennium. Rebuilding
San Marcos is a national need and a collective duty of all Peruvians, especially all San Marcos.
Book Author: Dr. Nemesio Espinoza Herrera, principal of San Marcos University Professor -
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Under Seat Subwoofer Truck
SAN MARCOS, uncomfortable truths
New publication:
uncomfortable truths
analysis of the current situation of the Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos whose uncomfortable truths remain silent
Dr. Nemesio Herrera Espinoza
Senior Lecturer, Faculty of Administrative Sciences of San Marcos
ISBN 978-612-00-0549-1
No. Legal Deposit No. 2011-04677 National Library
Presentation ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ........................ 7
famous San Marcos ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...................................... ...... 9
IN THE CONTEXT OF THE UNIVERSITY ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .. ... ... ... ........... ... 11
Priority 1:
... ... .......................... .................................................. 16
1. The lack of science education and research training
scientists in San Marcos.
2. The pernicious effect of high school in San Marcos Auto.
3. Professionalizing the nature of graduate studies in San Marcos
4. Professors and scientific research in Sanmarco.
5. The absence of Outreach in San Marcos.
6. The absence of areas, lines and lines of
Programs Scientific Research in San Marcos.
7. The lack of sources of research funding.
8. The pseudoacreditación in San Marcos.
9. The lack of linkages to San Marcos for
scientific research.
10. The "Office of Research"
irrationalities and bureaucracies in San Marcos.
axis 2:
... ... ... ......................... ...................................... 38
1. Unemployment and underemployment indicator
deficiencies in training in San Marcos.
2. The primacy of hoary methodology "teaching-learning"
in San Marcos.
3. The validity of an archaic system of admission to San Marcos.
4. The mass of students in San Marcos.
5. Outdated frameworks in San Marcos.
6. Faculty and professional training in San Marcos.
7. The lack of linkages to San Marcos for
good training.
8. The lack of training in management and business
as part of good professional training in San Marcos
9. The "Vice President for Academic"
irrationalities and bureaucracies in San Marcos.
axis 3:
MARC SAN MANAGEMENT OS ................................ ..... 54
1. The mediocracy coruupción and the Administrative Panel of San Marcos
2. San Marcos adrift, with no plans in the medium and long term
3. Outdated organizational structures
San Marcos 4. The excessive powers, the primacy of quantity over quality
San Marcos
5. The anti-democracy in the electoral system in San Marcos
6. The financial management of poverty in San Marcos
7. San Marcos warily in the document management system
New publication:
uncomfortable truths
analysis of the current situation of the Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos whose uncomfortable truths remain silent
Dr. Nemesio Herrera Espinoza
Senior Lecturer, Faculty of Administrative Sciences of San Marcos
ISBN 978-612-00-0549-1
No. Legal Deposit No. 2011-04677 National Library
Presentation ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ........................ 7
famous San Marcos ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...................................... ...... 9
IN THE CONTEXT OF THE UNIVERSITY ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... .. ... ... ... ........... ... 11
Priority 1:
... ... .......................... .................................................. 16
1. The lack of science education and research training
scientists in San Marcos.
2. The pernicious effect of high school in San Marcos Auto.
3. Professionalizing the nature of graduate studies in San Marcos
4. Professors and scientific research in Sanmarco.
5. The absence of Outreach in San Marcos.
6. The absence of areas, lines and lines of
Programs Scientific Research in San Marcos.
7. The lack of sources of research funding.
8. The pseudoacreditación in San Marcos.
9. The lack of linkages to San Marcos for
scientific research.
10. The "Office of Research"
irrationalities and bureaucracies in San Marcos.
axis 2:
... ... ... ......................... ...................................... 38
1. Unemployment and underemployment indicator
deficiencies in training in San Marcos.
2. The primacy of hoary methodology "teaching-learning"
in San Marcos.
3. The validity of an archaic system of admission to San Marcos.
4. The mass of students in San Marcos.
5. Outdated frameworks in San Marcos.
6. Faculty and professional training in San Marcos.
7. The lack of linkages to San Marcos for
good training.
8. The lack of training in management and business
as part of good professional training in San Marcos
9. The "Vice President for Academic"
irrationalities and bureaucracies in San Marcos.
axis 3:
MARC SAN MANAGEMENT OS ................................ ..... 54
1. The mediocracy coruupción and the Administrative Panel of San Marcos
2. San Marcos adrift, with no plans in the medium and long term
3. Outdated organizational structures
San Marcos 4. The excessive powers, the primacy of quantity over quality
San Marcos
5. The anti-democracy in the electoral system in San Marcos
6. The financial management of poverty in San Marcos
7. San Marcos warily in the document management system
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Vaio Does Not Detect Webcam
The State should strengthen the private pension system
way of discussions arising out of proposal to move to the workers to " public pension system" and that "pension 65 "" be financed with contributions from all workers "natural concern is manifested in all of us members of the private pension system, because they would be proposing, in practice, the confiscation of our savings administered by AFPs. From these lines pose rather strengthen the private pension system , with measures that allow lower the cost of the fees currently charged by the AFPs manage our accounts. The only way to reduce these costs is promoting competition and better regulation of the State . My proposal is to allow (enable) that banks can manage these funds. A few excerpts from the preamble that I included when I made a bill related to the topic.
• A simulation shows the strong performance that we provide the banking :
• CASE 1 , a worker, whose monthly Insurable Remuneration (RMA) is S /. 1 998.00, has a total discount of S /. 257.34, the AFP PROFUTURO which is distributed as follows: AFP Commission
equivalent to 1.98% S /. 39.56;
Insurance Premium 0.9% equivalent to S /. 17.98;
Individual Capitalization Account
(*) Congressional Advisory
way of discussions arising out of proposal to move to the workers to " public pension system" and that "pension 65 "" be financed with contributions from all workers "natural concern is manifested in all of us members of the private pension system, because they would be proposing, in practice, the confiscation of our savings administered by AFPs. From these lines pose rather strengthen the private pension system , with measures that allow lower the cost of the fees currently charged by the AFPs manage our accounts. The only way to reduce these costs is promoting competition and better regulation of the State . My proposal is to allow (enable) that banks can manage these funds. A few excerpts from the preamble that I included when I made a bill related to the topic.
By Decree Law 25897, created the Private Pension System (SPP) as an alternative to pension schemes administered by the State, called the National Pension System (NPS .)
The creation of private pension system, aims to contribute to the development and strengthening the social security system in the area of \u200b\u200bpensions and is comprised of Private Administrators of Pension Funds (AFP), which administer the Pension Fund referred to the Law and its affiliates provide mandatory retirement benefits, disability, survivors and funeral expenses.
Article 11 of the Constitution of Peru, guarantees free access to health benefits and pensions through public, private or mixed. It also oversees their efficient operation.
The private pension system has the feature to generate an Individual Capitalization Account, where contributions are deposited monthly mandatory and voluntary the worker, adding the return on accumulated fund management.
The yield obtained by the Administrators of Pension Funds from 1993 to date has had an erratic pattern and does not guarantee the sustainability of individual fund in the long run , due to an irregular trend and high stock market volatility, in the same contributions are invested workers. In both firms the pension fund administrators (AFPs), returns were fabulous, and on average recovered their investment in just 2.5 years, ie, a return on equity of 40% annually.
The Pension Fund Administrators, originally perceived, by the provision of its services, a fee consisting of one or a combination of a commission does not set rates, which are expressed in national currency, a Commission percentage calculated on insurable earnings of affiliate, and a percentage fee on balances under management. All of these fees on the basis of the insurable earnings of affiliate, got about 4% of it, and only 8% was deposited in the CIC in the period January 1995 to December 1997.
From January 1997, such remuneration undergo a change, and are allowed to AFPs to receive for the provision of its services and remuneration freely established, laid down in Article 24 of Decree Law N º 25897, which literally point: "a) For the mandatory contribution to referred to in paragraph a) of Article 30 of this Act, a percentage fee calculated on insurable earnings of the affiliate. The compensation must be implemented by the AFP equally to all its members. However, each AFP can offer reductions in pay of members based on their length of stay or regular trading on the AFP. The Superintendent shall issue regulations on the subject, b) voluntary contributions, a percentage fee calculated on those voluntary contributions, in the case of withdrawal of the same; c) In the case of affiliated persons who have chosen to receive pensions under mode temporary and scheduled retirement income, a fixed fee or percentage of the pension. "
The contributions of workers are affected, not only irregular profitability of their accounts, but because by successive rules were allowed to go to your account only 8% of insurable earnings, when the law required the 10% despite being lower on average 13% of the .
There were years when only 62% of the worker's contributions went to the Individual Capitalization Account, while 38% remained in the AFP for their fees and insurance premium .
Currently a member of an AFP employee, contributes 10% of insurable earnings, deposited in the Individual Capitalization Account, 2.88% are distributed between commissions (1.98%) and insurance ( 0.9%), docked in total 12.88% of salary. Ie is real, only CIC deposited in 77.6% of the discount suffered, Therefore, 15.3% goes to the AFP and 6.9% used to cover insurance.
In these conditions, the minimum return required to compensate for the discount, regardless of insurance, would be 18% during the first year after the deposit. This figure includes only a 3% annual return current.
need to find more options the employee in the financial market, an alternative complementary or supplementary to the private pension system, which becomes an agent to generate real competition in the market for long-term savings pensionable purposes.
is important that pension funds have the collateral needed to obtain a decent retirement for workers contributors.
Article 131 of Law No. 26702 and amendments, states that " saving is made up of all of the deposits of money, in any form, made of natural persons and juridical or foreign companies in the financial system. This includes the acquisition of deposits and debt instruments issued by such companies. Such impositions are protected in the manner prescribed by this Act . "
Article 132 of Law N º 26702, on ways to mitigate the risks to the saver, it is pertinent to their application for the management of savings pensionable purposes.
In that sense, banks domestic financial system can not only ensure greater profitability and stability, lower cost of administering the fund, the Fund would also ensure a bonus, deposit insurance, through the Deposit Insurance Fund (articles 144 º to 157 º of the Financial System Act), which aims to protect the savings of natural persons or legal non-profit, the risk of possible insolvency of any of the companies or financial entities that are members of the Fund.
For all these considerations, it is proposed to empower the Bank, pursuant to the Law of Private Pension System, to manage the pension funds of workers contributors to private pension system.
Probable benefits
If you are granted the right to manage in Business Banking for funds or savings pensionable purposes would be very beneficial to workers belonging to the private pension system by the following reasons:
• First, a fixed annual cost savings for sustainable long-term pension. The banks offer fixed rates averaging 5% annually, and the fund would have a sustained growth over time, and if we got an average rate of inflation of 3% real return would be 2% per year, similar to that obtained by the Private Fund Pensions in Latin America, but in terms of volatility.
• The Deposit Insurance Fund, insures the savings pensionable additional insurance purposes in case of a financial crisis, which would be protected against a possible local or international crisis unlike the AFP, that does not have a guarantee fund for the Funds subject to the whims of the market.
• Not subject to the volatility of the stock market, because the savings deposited in individual bank account, do not invest in stocks, but the bank is responsible for placing credit subjects thoroughly evaluated, democratizing the use of resources in the country to finance.
• Reduction of Commissions and more resources for the Private Pension Fund. The AFPs suffer a necessary adjustment in their income by managing our funds and hence a rationalization of their income received in the last decade due to the inevitable reduction in the collection or payment of fees for administering the fund contributor. This will mean an increase in the Individual Capitalization Account.
• favor the strength of the private pension system, for maintaining the system of individual capitalization account, the worker will have greater confidence if your savings pensionable purposes, is well protected in a banking business.
• A simulation shows the strong performance that we provide the banking :
• CASE 1 , a worker, whose monthly Insurable Remuneration (RMA) is S /. 1 998.00, has a total discount of S /. 257.34, the AFP PROFUTURO which is distributed as follows: AFP Commission
equivalent to 1.98% S /. 39.56;
Insurance Premium 0.9% equivalent to S /. 17.98;
Individual Capitalization Account
10% S /. 199.8, assuming constant values \u200b\u200bprovides the same amount for 30 years would get a nominal savings of S /. 71 928.00, to a fixed rate of 5% annual interest gain in S /. 163,048.63, as a result the Individual Capitalization Account accumulate in 30 years S /. 234 977.76, a figure that would live only of interest with a monthly pension for life S /. 321.13 a month or so.
• CASE 2: The same worker Case 1, but instead spent only S /. 199.8 to CIC, deposited S /. 229.36 (assuming a flat fee of S /. 10 to give back to the banking business, keeping the insurance premium equal to the average charged by the AFPs), that amount would get a 30-year nominal saving of S /. 82 569.60, subject to an annual fixed rate of 5% interest would win in S /. 187 171.34, as a result the Individual Capitalization Account accumulate in 30 years S /. 269 \u200b\u200b742.24, a figure that would live only of interest with a monthly pension for life S /. 1 516.59 approximately, ie, S /. More than 195.46 in the previous case (14.8% additional revenue) and only improve competition among entities of the private pension system now would join the Banking Companies.
(*) Congressional Advisory
Kidde Smoke Alarm Chirp How To
To date 2011 budget execution reached only 21.9%
At almost the end of the first quarter of fiscal 2011, the public sector budget execution, only an increase of 21.9%. According to the Economic Transparency Portal Ministry of Economy and Finance, national government agencies and regional, are coming to have a better performance in implementing the budget with 22.9% and 22.5% respectively, while local governments have only an increase of 16.7% of their expenses (see chart).
While budget execution is slow in local government, this is mainly due to climatic factors limiting and prevented in many cases the implementation of public investment projects, mainly in the municipalities of the highlands and jungle. Note that the rainy season is ending, and municipalities are expected to start with the implementation of planned projects for the benefit of the population that demands the presence of the State ...
Monday, April 4, 2011
Grey And Royal Blue Weddings
The democratic party in Peru: "PPK and its 25 commitments for a poverty-free Peru Opportunities for All "
Commitment 7: invest 30 billion suns in water and sanitation coverage to 10 years to give the Peruvians without water.
Commitment 8: Give users participation in water and sewerage companies.
Commitment 9:
reservation land suitable for construction of popular housing, create new satellite towns.
Commitment 10: dramatically improve citizen security: more police, better coordination with municipalities. Tough on crime and drug trafficking.
Commitment 11: modernize the armed forces and refloat the Fund for Military and Police Pensions, well managed and funded.
Commitment 12: improve and simplify the administration, with high-level officials for review and are entering better-paid.
Commitment 13: decentralize the presence of the Ministry of Economy and Finance to support the regions and municipalities in the preparation and monitoring of projects.
Commitment 14: frontally combat corruption at all levels: severe penalties for those who pay and receive bribes.
Commitment 15: Tax cuts to promote greater formality.
Reduce VAT to 15% in five years.
Commitment 16: grant social benefits to workers in the services.
Commitment 17: ensure payment of minimum living wage and increase gradually.
Commitment 18: "Improving the quality of public education by increasing investment to 7% of GDP.." One of the 25 commitments PERU NOW OR NEVER.
Commitment 19: Supporting technical courses and offer scholarships for foreign scientists.
Commitment 20: Strengthening Agricultural Bank as a guarantee fund for rural banks and municipal systems solidarity credits.
Commitment 21: Accelerate rural electrification throughout the country.
Commitment 22: Use the proceeds of the Canon Law to improve regional and provincial roads.
Commitment 23: Create technical education centers for agricultural, industrial and mining regions, as well as sports and cultural centers for youth. Commitment
24: Combat abuses of the environment through the creation of the Environmental Police, funded by Canon.
Commitment 25: increase significantly and planned, the salaries of teachers, police, military.
Commitment 1: Promoting decent work with insurance and retirement pension for all workers.
Commitment 2: Eliminate extreme poverty in 10 years.
Commitment 3: Support small farmers ("Agro prosperous") with roads, seeds and technical services.
Commitment 4:
accelerate the development of micro, small and medium enterprises.
Commitment 5: Reduce child mortality and combat malnutrition.
Commitment 6: To establish health posts well equipped with 24-hour care. Commitment 7: invest 30 billion suns in water and sanitation coverage to 10 years to give the Peruvians without water.
Commitment 8: Give users participation in water and sewerage companies.
Commitment 9:
reservation land suitable for construction of popular housing, create new satellite towns.
Commitment 10: dramatically improve citizen security: more police, better coordination with municipalities. Tough on crime and drug trafficking.
Commitment 11: modernize the armed forces and refloat the Fund for Military and Police Pensions, well managed and funded.
Commitment 12: improve and simplify the administration, with high-level officials for review and are entering better-paid.
Commitment 13: decentralize the presence of the Ministry of Economy and Finance to support the regions and municipalities in the preparation and monitoring of projects.
Commitment 14: frontally combat corruption at all levels: severe penalties for those who pay and receive bribes.
Commitment 15: Tax cuts to promote greater formality.
Reduce VAT to 15% in five years.
Commitment 16: grant social benefits to workers in the services.
Commitment 17: ensure payment of minimum living wage and increase gradually.
Commitment 18: "Improving the quality of public education by increasing investment to 7% of GDP.." One of the 25 commitments PERU NOW OR NEVER.
Commitment 19: Supporting technical courses and offer scholarships for foreign scientists.
Commitment 20: Strengthening Agricultural Bank as a guarantee fund for rural banks and municipal systems solidarity credits.
Commitment 21: Accelerate rural electrification throughout the country.
Commitment 22: Use the proceeds of the Canon Law to improve regional and provincial roads.
Commitment 23: Create technical education centers for agricultural, industrial and mining regions, as well as sports and cultural centers for youth. Commitment
24: Combat abuses of the environment through the creation of the Environmental Police, funded by Canon.
Commitment 25: increase significantly and planned, the salaries of teachers, police, military.
Friday, April 1, 2011
Exotic Clothing Sewing Patterns
Mario Vargas Llosa in San Marcos in San Marcos
The writer Carlos Eduardo Zavaleta, Doctor of Letters from the San Marcos and a full member of the Peruvian Academy of Language, gave the keynote address in which she reviewed the life and work author of Conversation in the Cathedral. He subsequently received a greeting and present the Faculty of Arts and Humanities, by the heads of the newly created Chair Mario Vargas Llosa.
See also:
San Marcos HONOR MEDAL FOR MARIO VARGAS LLOSA Praise 2011/04/vinetas-de-cultura-popular-n-11.html
Nobelist in honor of Mario Vargas Loosa Source: Yaringaño By Karen Aguilar
03/31/2011 Without doubt the most distinguished graduate of the Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos (San Marcos) for the last time. Mario Vargas Llosa, a prolific writer and Nobel Prize for Literature 2010, was honored by his alma mater with the "Medal of Honor San Marcos" in the rank of Grand Cross, in recognition of his remarkable contribution to the Peruvian and world culture, and his tireless defense of life, human rights and democracy.
The reunion of the distinguished novelist with the Dean of America took place in the General Hall San Marcos Cultural Centre (MRCC), the same which formerly taught college classes. The ceremony was held the evening of March 30, in the presence of distinguished guests and the university community.

San Marcos forever
The writer expressed his excitement to be back in the cloisters of San Marcos, where they met, "he said more to Peru. Raúl Porras Barrenechea, diplomat, historian, lawyer and professor, could not be absent from his speech, recalling the bright classes received.
Under the watchful eye of his wife Patricia Vargas Llosa, told anecdotes, recalled the illustrious San Marcos said the first works that inspired him and led him to think he could also tell stories.
The laureate writer began relationship with the Dean of America in 1953, at 17 years old, was admitted to study Arts and Law. In 1958 he graduated from high school with the theory basis for an interpretation of Rubén Darío, work that earned him a scholarship to France where he would begin his successful literary career. On April 17, 2001 was recognized as Doctor Honoris Causa by the upper house of studies cuatricentenario.
See also:
Nobelist praise in honor of Mario Vargas Llosa
Nobelist praise in honor of Mario Vargas Llosa
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