First. On Thursday 13, Casa del Poeta, many admiring friends in epic reading (the poster, of course, is another level):

Second: The magazine's friends summon acid writers (of all kinds, I understand) to collaborate with their number three. Here are the rules:
Journal Editorial acid and Paranoia
invite all writers living in Mexico to work in the literary supplement Coma, journal acid, in number 3.
The issue revolves around the literary avant-garde produced in Latin America during the twentieth century and this, among which are:
Stridentism .............. Real visceral ......... Fiction
Latin American Magic Realism ........ Abstractionism Postmodern Realism
dirty ....... Crack ........ McOndo
Submit a text no longer than three pages in Times New Roman 12, in the categories of essays, poems, short stories, micro-stories, or Free writing, whose style do homage, parody, ironic, or represent some of the art movements mentioned above. The topics of the text are: A cigar
...... A hydraulic jack ......
A fly in a bowl of soup
A violation in a nursing
The above aspects must be present either directly or indirectly in the text as a primary or secondary.
The closing date of this announcement is December 28, 2007. The selections will be printed in the February-March 2008.
applicants should send texts to the following addresses with the subject Eat Col.
Writing Acid-Coma
December 2007
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