Finally. The old chief islander has left the post vacant. Remain a sensible man, but later learned to leave the political power (not of fact, so popular in these parts) with delusions of old age, unless of course you get a judge and rescue the dignity of the world and policy of suing him, like Pinochet, just the same. The trouble, as in the worst and most stupid monarchies (the European, African, the banana) inherit power to his brother, a puppet and pseudodirigente nonexistent revolutionary army. The roads to the islands (that is Cuba, really) are more, the better, the people take the sovereignty and decide what to do with it, which is allowed to grow freely, move, sell, buy or whatever you want to do, the worse the communistic oligarchy will attempt to give a final twist, look for the soundtrack of his rattle in the executions and persecution, as in the sixties, as in the eighties ... as they have always been the cowards who have guns.
the other hand, a fledgling nation is the scene of a struggle which neither have learned their habotantes. Like a hundred years ago (1914, sound familiar?) A global sphincter is the receiving center of the world shit, Putin, Bush and his cohort of satraps in search of who knows what ... Is the third? ... What Fukuyama and Huntington that will swallow the end of history and struggle of civilizations? ... everything is back to the same, nothing new under the sun ... In this regard, a caricature of the ever-present Calderón

what about me? I forgot the world and hear the amazing black album of Metallica ... what else could cause our apathy, our spleen videotaped, but a brutal riffs, simple and pissed night. Chutzpah!
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