Friday, December 31, 2010

Windows Media Player P90x


A new day,
A new month,
A new year,
A New Hope
A new way
A Way of Love
A Way of Peace
A Freedom Road
A Road Well
A more human.


Monday, December 13, 2010

Used Eagle Buses In Texas

Vulnerability map of chronic malnutrition in Peru

According to the report of the World Food Programme (WFP) with the support of the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), a joint effort that made it possible to conduct a study of vulnerability to food insecurity and child malnutrition , it has been produced since 2002 by WFP. The additional contribution of this study is the inclusion of two key elements that influence the increased vulnerability of chronic malnutrition in Peru, these are:
a) Vulnerability to natural disasters and
b) The Index Density of State.
Both elements provide a more comprehensive study and allow a more objective view that the incidence of vulnerability to chronic desnutrución child has a direct relationship with the recurrence of weather and indirectly the density index State.

The results show that the regions of Huancavelica, Apurimac and Cajamarca are higher levels of vulnerability to chronic malnutrition, while Ica, Lima and Callao are the least vulnerable. The three provinces most vulnerable to chronic malnutrition are Pachitea (Huanuco), Paucartambo and Paruro (Cusco) and the three least vulnerable Ilo (Moquegua), Lima and Callao.

district level, 383 (on a total of 1.834) have been classified with a level of vulnerability "very high", home to 311.283 children under five years (Population Census 2007). These children have a chance 87% drop in malnutrition. Categorized at the next level with "high vulnerability" was recorded 474 districts, home to 298.769 children under five years and have a 71% probability of falling into malnutrition.

have been categorized according to their level of vulnerability, 36.472 towns (out of 82.685) with 50 or more. Of these, 48.6% (17.722) of the towns have been classified in levels of vulnerability "very high" and "high."

The newly elected authorities in the various regions and municipalities and civil society as a whole, have a great deal the most vulnerable people in their jurisdiction , a challenge, regardless of their political interests, should be targeted and considered as a cornerstone of its management, improving nutrition levels of children aged 0-5 years . It is a moral obligation to the weak ...

Friday, December 10, 2010

Blueprints For A Computer Desk

The Nobel Prize 2010 Award Ceremony 2010 - Media Player at

The Nobel Prize Award Ceremony 2010 - Media Player at Mario Vargas Llosa

Telme What Is The Lotto Of Next Saturday

Mario Vargas Llosa receives Nobel Literature

receive the Nobel Prize from King Gustav Sweden. Part Notes the ceremony of the award ceremony in Stockholm - Sweden. Mario Vargas Llosa

recalled its passage through the repeated political and autobiographical prose that show that was flawless and remains a man chosen to transcend their environment. Defender of freedom and democracy.

In a world of children and youth, which all help to shape their literary destiny and overcome being born in a country of poor and illiterate, "Vargas Llosa's speech soon passes the message of the ideology and politics. So, is horrified that we live in a time when ghosts are fanatics, suicide bombers who feel "holders of absolute truths."

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Effects Of Adderall Non Adhd


Mario Vargas Llosa Speech preparatory acts before the Nobel Prize for Literature 2010 next Friday, December 10 ... A universal man, defender of freedom ...

Monday, December 6, 2010

Monica Roccaforte Polka Yellow Movie

world university rankings NOBEL PRIZE FOR


SIR Ranking Iberoamericano 2010

Complete information see:


SIR The Latin American Ranking 2010 is presented as a tool of analysis and evaluation of research activities of the Institutions of Higher Education in Latin America. The report, prepared as a set of rankings, shows organized information about research activities conducted in the period 2003-2008. The indicators have been selected to provide relevant information to policy makers and resource managers scientific research and in order to highlight some of the most important dimensions that characterize research activity.

The ultimate goal of this paper is to provide analysis and assessment tool in two ways. On the one hand aims to provide an overview, helping policy makers to glimpsed as fit the research results at the institutional level to the objectives outlined in the plans, programs and science policy at both institutional and national level as primarily within the American context. On the other hand, from a specific point of view, providing an institutional managers benchmarking tool to assess the adequacy of the results research with the resources, the priorities and challenges.


SIR The Latin American Ranking 2010 presents a detailed profile based on quantitative data on publication and citation to analyze research of all Latin American institutions of higher education. For its preparation have been analyzed scientific publications included in the Scopus citation index produced by Elsevier. Scopus is the largest scientific database in the world with more than 20,000 scientific publications, including more than 17,000 journals "per review, books and conference proceedings.

The ranking includes all Latin American universities that have produced some scientific communication in 2008. For these institutions are analyzed for publication and citation data for the period 2003-2008. Data on the production correspond to those items that include some direction belonging to each of the institutions. For the citation-based data have been analyzed all publications in the world for the period specified.

General Analysis

The ranking includes the 607 Latin American universities have published a document contained in Scopus in 2008. A total of 28 countries that include at least one institution in the ranking with a very uneven distribution, where Spain, Brazil and Colombia account for about 50% of the total.

NOTE: Of the 600 UNIVERSITI ES IN LATIN AMERICA, Cayetano Heredia University is number N ª 135 AND OVER NATIONAL UNIVERSITY IN SAN MARCOS No. 189.

2006 Ranking of Latin American universities

Universities in Brazil, Mexico, Argentina and Chile in Latin America by emphasizing its scientific production through scientific invetigación.

These same Latin American country, no other more-appear in the ranking of the top 500 world universities published by the University of Shanghai People's Republic of China.

One of the most important criteria for evaluating the quality of a university's scientific output. This means that university who have qualified for the work of Scientific Research as a priority and are universities that produce science, technology and innovation.

Posted by UDDES - University, Democracy and Development on 12/11/2008

12.000 Web Ranking of World Universities

http:// / index_en.html (accessed 02/12/1910)

1. Harvard University

2. Massachusetts Institute of Technology

3. University of California Berkeley

4. Cornell University

70. Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico

122. Universidade de São Paulo

502.Universidad de Concepción (Chile)

Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile

629 Catholic University (Peru)

National University Mayor de San Marcos

2085 UNI 2149

2310 UPSMP

2422 UPRP

2500 2698


UP 2892

of 100 American universities is the first UNAM, upcp 18, 37 is UNMSM. Nothing more.

In the following source:

(December December 2009)

of 10 leading universities in the world, 8 are U.S. and 02 in England

Stanford University

Harvard University

Cambridge University (England)

MIT Massachusetts Institute of Technology

California Institute of Technology

In the following source:

AmericaEconomia magazine


NA United States: provided, neither more nor less than 17 of the top 20 universities worldwide. Also, this country has accumulated 55% of the top 100 universities and 30% of the total 500. The U.S. predominance considering also shows that universities in the UK and Germany represent, in each case, 8% of the total 500, slightly ahead of Japan and China, which each have 6% of all universities included in the ranking. It is also noteworthy that the first French university in the ARWU appears only in the number 40 (Paris 6), and before she placed two other British universities, one from Switzerland and two in Canada. Also the first Italian university in the ranking appears in the group 100-150 (University of Milan), and the first English (University of Barcelona) is located in the group (152-200).

The clear dominance of the U.S. on the old continent, was the factor that led to the European Community to take a profound change in their university systems, which culminated in the so-called Bologna Program. This initiative has involved a radical change in the orientation and duration of undergraduate studies, a fundamental openness to student mobility between universities, and a strong impetus to graduate. To be seen that these changes could actually reverse a situation in which Europe is clearly a disadvantage globally but, as the ranking privileges the research results, at least for him the changes that occur can not produce a different situation.


The participation of Latin American universities in the ranking is known globally irrelevant. Four countries in the region include the ranking since 2003: Argentina, Brazil., Chile and Mexico A total of 10 universities in the region was part of the ranking in 2009, constituting a meager 2% of the universe total. Of these ten universities six are Brazilian, two Chilean, an Argentina and Mexico. As shown in Table 1, the first university in the region of Sao Paulo is closely followed by the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM). The first of these is ranked 156 in world rankings, while the second is to place 163. According to these results, the last university in the context of the participants is the University of Chile, which ranks 462


The presence of Latin American universities in the world ranking is extremely low. Most of them are between 300 and 500 levels, while U. State of Sao Paulo and the University of Chile are close to the value that would put them in the rankings published. There is a vital aspect that is concerned with improving the information available for the Institute Jiao Tong can properly weigh the reality of the Latin American system. On a more substantive nature, the Latin American university system seems increasingly geared towards undergraduate teaching, while spending on basic and applied research is maintained at extremely low levels. Indeed, since the ranking prepared by the Jiao Tong is a measurement that focuses primarily on research excellence, the trend will be reduced further Latin American participation in the universities of greater prominence in the world.

In the source:

is unfortunate American reality, even in Mexico and Central America that concerns us as Best of Latin America are: Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico (UNAM), University of São Paulo, Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Universidad de Buenos Aires , Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Universidad Chile, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Tecnológico de Monterrey.

University of Shanghai World University Ranking

As every year, the Institute of Shanghai Higher Education publishes its ranking of the top 500 universities worldwide. Of these, only 11 are English, and none of them ranks among the top 100.

leaves the middle or lower part of the classification. The best rated are the University of Barcelona (since 152), the Autonomous University of Madrid, the Complutense and Valencia.

Within the European Cambridge is the best stop, even ahead of MIT and Yale. The elite university education is in America. 20 of the 25 best according to the study are located in the American giant (three in the UK and two in Japan. Few surprises on the podium: The best position in the rankings is Harvard, followed by Stanford and Berkeley.

In the source:

The ranking of universities in the Web notes that among the first 20 universities in the world in this ranking, 19 are from the United States and England, at position 19.



















Latin American Ranking







Tecnologico de Monterrey














In the source:

The top schools and universities in Peru .

Manuel Burga, President

CU. 21/01/2004
Surfing the Internet you can find the Academic Ranking of World Universities 2003 prepared by the Institute of Higher Education of Shanghai Jiao Tong University, which after two years of research with a large sample of universities gives it to stakeholders. Have been evaluated based on five criteria: a) His Nobel prize; b) Its researchers highly above, c) Articles published in the journals Nature and Science; d) Articles in the "Science Citation Index-expanded" and the "Social Science Citation Index, and e) Academic performance of their teachers.

With some surprise we found that they do not consider the grades and qualifications of teachers, which to our law and statute University San Marcos are key to locate our teachers in the remuneration scale. Nor are we surprised to find Harvard first, Stanford second, third and Berkeley Caltech in fourth, all of them and many of the 10 American following. Accompanied, from the 5th. place, out-standing British universities como Cambridge y Oxford. La presencia de la universidad americana es simplemente abrumadora, no así la de la universidad francesa, italiana, alemana, japonesa, española o europea en general.

Luego he recorrido minuciosamente este Ranking en busca de universidades latinoamericanas y lo encontrado no es nada alentador. La UNAM de México ocupa el puesto 152. La Universidad Federal de Rio de Janeiro y la de Buenos Aires comparten el 301. La Estadual Campinas ocupa el 351 lugar, mientras que la Universidad de Chile el puesto 401. San Marcos, afortunadamente, gracias a la Red de Macrouniversidades de América Latina y el Caribe, mantiene estrechos lazos de colaboración e intercambio con estas cinco universidades, particularly with the UNAM and the U. de Chile. Furthermore, as strongly as we do in our journals, we have analyzed and discussed the importance of these two Latin American models of the imminent reform of the Peruvian university. All these 500 universities are institutions with enormous financial resources and sufficient to mention the trust of $ 18.500 million from Harvard or the budget of U.S. $ 1.500 million from the UNAM and the $ 220 million U. of Chile, the three very different and very unequal populations, although government regulations that ensure them intelligent and effective.

For our comfort we could say that only include universities in Mexico, Brazil, Argentina and Chile, and we're out but well accompanied by a large majority of Latin American countries. But this is a very poor consolation, since neither would be well placed in the next 500 ranked universities. So you have to really worry about the exclusion of an international outlook which should be already well positioned. It is therefore urgent that the Peruvian public and private universities should be reformed to achieve adequate levels of quality and academic performance.

all know that Peruvian higher education is not the best time in history and yet on Tuesday 13, to the surprise some, the proposal of the engineer Julio Dominguez, president of the University challenged Los Angeles de Chimbote, without seeking balances and hear proposals, 41 bodies, re-elected for the third time the engineer Francisco Delgado de la Flor as president of the NRA, in the hope perhaps very reasonably that FEDADOI 50 million should be allocated last year, in equal parts for the 30 public universities. This distribution, as well as the current budget allocation criteria used by the MEF, tend to flatten the Peruvian university system and disappear completely in the world rankings of universities.

In the source: 3Alas-universities-most-powerful-in-the-world-is- the-de-more-prestigious & catid = 23% 3Aarticulos-research & Itemid = 12


By Dr Javier Flores Arocutipa

In the ranking of the University of Shanghai of 2008, Latinas have 10 universities, six are Brazilian, Both are Chilean one is Mexican and the last is Argentina. In this case there is still a Peruvian.

Consider the table:



1 Univ Sao Paulo Brazil

2 Univ Buenos Aires Argentina

Univ Nacl Autonoma Mexico 3 Mexico

4 Univ Estadual Campinas Brazil

5 Univ Fed Minas Gerais

6 Univ Fed Rio de Janeiro Brazil

7 Pontifical Catholic Univ Chile

Chile Chile 8 Universidad

9 Univ Estadual Paulista Brazil

10 Univ Fed Rio Grande Sul Brazil

Source: University ARWU Shanghai.


This World Ranking 500 universities there are 13 Hispanic, five Brazil, three in Argentina, two Chileans, two Mexican and Peruvian. This turns out to be the University Pontificia Universidad Catolica del Peru. And of the 13 Latinas the best positioned in this ranking is the National Autonomous University of Mexico, ranked 150, while last year was ranked 192. A University of Sao Paulo has not fared well since the year 2007 was ranked 175 today is far from the first, is in the post 196.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Play Pokemon Sapphire Online On Mac

WILD SOUTH AMERICA - Flamenco Andino

An exploration of the diversity of wildlife that inhabits the land of South America. This production
appear before the lens of the high Andes animals rarely seen. From Andes, mountain ranges and deserts unexpected.

extreme Lives in South America ...

Women Was Burning At The Stake

WILD SOUTH - Andean Vicuna

Headache, Sore Throat, Spots On Tongue

Siberia: Living at 50 degrees below zero

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Kawaski Leather Jacket

Quotes of the day of Valentin Paniagua


"What we know is a drop of water, what we ignore is the ocean. "

"If I have made valuable discoveries has been more patience than any other talent."

"Men build too many walls and not enough bridges."
Isaac Newton

Monday, November 15, 2010

Do I Need To Put Oil In Pancake Mix?


The November 22, 2000, Peru experienced a special circumstance that allowed the start of the country's democratic consolidation. Dr. Valentin Paniagua, President of Congress, was elected by Parliament, Constitutional President of the Republic, given that it was removed from office Mr. Alberto Fujimori.

Nation Address to the Constitutional President of the Republic, Dr. Valentin Paniagua Corazao, before the Congress, to take the First Judiciary.

Madam Vice-President of Congress, ladies and gentlemen of Congress, Members of the Diplomatic Corps accredited to Peru, members of the Supreme Court, Ministers, civil, military and church ladies and gentlemen, fellow :

born today a new time. Closes a stage and open another in the history of Peru. A sense of faith encourages the spirits of the nation and an illusion, perhaps excessive, shocking to all Peruvians .

All we believe that here is a new endeavor. And there is a task, perhaps modest, but of great significance for national development. This illusion is not the result of any circumstance political passion or a dream demagogic. Oddly enough, they are feelings arising from a deep national conviction: the need to exalt, to affirm and consolidate the Constitution and rule of life and daily living. And in it, as I said Francisco de Paula Gonzalez Vigil in the historic impeachment the President Gamarra : "Nothing is small, everything in it is great and sacred" . That perceived value of the Constitution inspired and led our hero, "El Caballero de los Mares, symbolically keep his seat here, to proclaim that he did not recognize another leader to the Constitution. And that is precisely what we want to assert, as a source of inspiration in the work that we propose to undertake in these barely eight months that we are entitled pursuant to the liability imposed by Article 115 of the Constitution of the State. Such task is to make a decisive contribution to the reconstruction and restoration of democracy to the various political factions in the country have undertaken in the Roundtable provided by the OAS and that this Congress has been formalized fundamental laws. That task can not be satisfied with mere legal rite of correction or amendment of laws. Should be guided precisely by being democratic in the consultation, dialogue and consensus building. But similarly, must be based on sound ethical principles, politicians, enlighten and guide the steps in that fundamental task. Nothing more appropriate for this effort to remember the three traditional Andean commandment, not only to vindicate our genuinely Peruvian roots, but to project the construction of our destination inspiration without which they failed to consolidate. proclaim, then, and we agree with the principles of Inca ethics industry, truthfulness and honesty .

But the difficult task imposed on us the historical fact that we live must have, first, with the assistance of relevant men truly represent the most cherished values \u200b\u200bof our communities d. And in that sense, I am pleased to announce the country that the Cabinet of the Government of Unity and National Reconciliation will be chaired by the distinguished citizen and Republic Don Javier Perez de Cuellar.

is very short the term of office for the government to preside over trials or try to print new bearings to the economy. However, I can not point out some essential purposes that inspire their driving. It's unavoidable necessity, first, find the fiscal balance as a basic element of economic stability , for which we shall adopt all necessary measures to expenditure restructuring and careful reduction of the sectors and items, in current circumstances, have little or no priority, taking into account the need to maintain essential social spending items and the minimum necessary for public investment. In the same vein, we will review with special attention the structure of our foreign debt, and after appropriate evaluation techniques, planted pathways and multilateral actions to adjust the payments in question to our real economic and social capabilities.

But this, again, no surprise, improvisation and unilateral decision, but negotiation and strong commitment from the Government over which I preside to alleviate the economic situation facing the country today.

No one disputes the urgency of increasing domestic and foreign investment in recent times, unfortunately, decreased. For that reason and for being the key element for economic growth and expansion of the jobs demand that the entire country, we will adopt, consistent, all technical measures in the short time that we apply and required to assist, cooperate and contribute to the dynamism of the investment is higher in this phase.

evaluate the results of the privatization of public enterprises and carefully analyze the fate of more than 9 thousand 200 million dollars from its sale.

In this hour, they raise many hopes, will try to take some steps in the process of decentralization for so many years the people of Peru have requested and that the country wants .

municipalities created in the previous century, through the work and decision of President Belaunde , here, will not be seen as a governmental agency or condition the necessary cooperation of the executive branch of political interests.

I am well aware that until decentralize the country, our democracy and our development will be weak. I hope the new budget, within the severe limitations which are explained in the fact that the country, giving the interior provinces and resources to promote their progress through appropriate and timely transfer.

is, on the other hand, central responsibility of this Government, and clear constitutional mandate to hold elections. Having already made the call by the government that preceded us, the ratified and announced that this will be the central task to undertake with full devotion.

First, ensuring the more zealous than any dependence Public interfere in the electoral process and ensuring total neutrality of public institutions in that act. Secondly, in cooperation with electoral bodies as required for the accomplishment of its mission. And thirdly, ensuring the preservation of public order and social peace as essential precondition for the people of Peru to discuss and cast their vote freely and independently, and the certainty that their will as expressed in the ballot boxes will be scrupulously respected.

is very brief, as I said and we all know, the time corresponding to the Transitional Government.

For that reason, requires the cooperation of all institutions and sectors. Believing subjection of the Armed Forces and Police to constitutional order, internal peace and external guaranteed. They also secured international commitments and obligations that bind to Peru, just is guaranteed to work afety domestic legal independence that the judiciary should act, the Public Ministry, the Constitutional Court and other institutions to which corresponds to its defense and ensures that the executive branch, and which help to fulfill their high efficiency and inexcusable constitutional responsibility.

At this stage of transition is more necessary than ever cooperation among national and foreign entrepreneurs to allow safe transit to the new government that the people elect and without affecting or resent the projects or initiatives Economic currently underway. The Government will act with seriousness, transparency and accountability, to avoid jeopardizing the success and development of these efforts which failed, of course, would hurt Peru's economic stability.

The Constitution and the restoration of democracy assume a collective endeavor. I call, therefore, to all sectors of the country and especially so ask the cooperation of young people who selflessly fought for democracy, and with whom I shared so many years of academic concern. I ask also the understanding of trade unions, social work and to make possible a fluid and dynamic traffic towards a genuinely democratic government chosen in elections unobjectionable.

summon in addition to all Peruvians , including housewives that face now suffering from the economic crisis has come to tell When the constitutional re-institutionalization of Peru on the basis of dialogue and consultation. Anyone to feel excluded. I know that even our political opponents, whose differences we welcome and respect, consistent with the purposes that animate us, and I am therefore convinced that this government may be able to realize the consensus and dialogue as means to ensure national unity, which is the basis of all prosperity. thank from the depths of my heart, to all political sectors, including our adversaries , in the midst of the storm we have experienced in recent days have had the success portend greatness to this brief provide management and cooperation, of course, accept and desire for the good of the country.

thank, finally, the representatives of friendly countries to confirm their presence and respectable old historical links. I thank the people who accompanied us with her warmth and enthusiasm in recent days. I am absolutely convinced, Representatives, in this climate that maybe we can start the process of the country will fly in the path of progress, making it truly the motto coined by the founding fathers as a pledge and commitment to the future of Peru: strong and happy marriage.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

What Kind Of Wood To Use On A Quarter Pipe

"The ingenuity is perhaps the talent so the instinct to reason."

" Between a man and a woman's friendship is only a gateway that leads to love"

Jules Renard.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Why Would Chocolate Cake Give Me Diarrhea?

Mario Vargas Llosa,

San Marcos universal Insigne

Today Thursday October 7, 2010 at 7:30 am, road to San Marcos, I hear on the radio that Mario Vargas Llosa has been awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature. Just come to the classroom shared the joy and satisfaction as welcome news to students. Finally, Mario Vargas Llosa was awarded the prize of global significance for its long and successful commitment to literature. San Marcos for the award means greater satisfaction for Mario Vargas Llosa is a prestigious degree from the Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos of ever Nobel Prize for Literature today showed pride and recognition to their Alma Mater.

This great satisfaction and joy as welcome news for Peru is doubly felt because it is sustained and recently my admiration for Mario Vargas Llosa. On several occasions I have publicly expressed my support and admiration for his talent, style and creative writing. For example, in 1996 published the book in which Administrative Writing in an expression of my admiration, I quoted the text of The War world order, one of his novels crests as shows a unique style of writing at the height of the great writers of the world.

In the month of November 2009 I published about the famous San Marcos Doctors Honoris Causa, including Mario Vargas Llosa ( Link November 2009). In the month of January 2010 published in the same email address above (Link in January 2010) with the title of Mario Vargas Llosa in San Marcos which highlights the great news that in May 2001, Mario Vargas Llosa had San Marcos was declared as Doctor Honoris Causa, San Marcos received recognition from Dr. Ricardo Lama Ramirez, then Rector of the University of San Marcos.
In February of this year 2010 in Popular Culture Cartoons No. 6 ( Link February 2010) highlight the great universal history of Mario Vargas Llosa said, " MVLl, universal Laureate and famous writer and San Marcos who may well have won the Nobel Prize for Literature, but I do not doubt that at some point, deservedly, will be awarded. His father thought that Mark was a university cholos, APRA and communists and insisted that he should study in the Catholic, but chose Mario Vargas Llosa, a proud, studying Literature in San Marcos. "When I went to San Marcos, says MVLl-was a boy who loved literature. When I graduated I was convinced that writing was my destiny and was determined to do the impossible to achieve. I followed the career of Arts and Law in San Marcos. The first, by vocation and the second resigned nutritional reasons. " In the month of September of this year compared to the centennial of the UNAM (Mexico), likewise stressed the importance of Mario Vargas Llosa, who in a special ceremony was held at UNAM and Dr. Honoris Causa (http:// Link September 2010).

Mario Vargas Llosa, Arequipa, now Share the Gallery of Honor of the Nobel Prize for Literature of the great homeland that is Latin America with Octavio Paz (Mexico), Gabriel Garcia (Colombia), Gabriela Mistral (Chile), Pablo Neruda (Chile) and Miguel Angel Asturias (Guatemala). (Picture below:

The Swedish Academy awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature to Mario Vargas Llosa "On the mapping of the structures of power and its scathing images of individual resistance, rebellion and defeat" , mapping is expressed in his works, including: The War of the End of the World, The Feast the goat, The City and the Dogs, The Green House, Pantoja and the Special, etc. and in his latest novel published yet Celtic's dream.

Back to Mario Vargas Llosa read, let our children and grandchildren read his most famous works, advocates on all colleges and universities in the country, especially in the first, has supported programs that would promote the culture of great reading for Peru. Make big to Peru will also mean that there is in the future Nobel prize for literature Peruvians, who has also Nobel Prizes for Science and Nobel Peace prize Peruvians.

Mario Vargas Llosa and writers Apurimac

Special expressed appreciation and admiration the world laureate Mario Vargas Llosa at different times to the writers of Apurimac. A Juan de Espinosa Medrano "The Lunarejo" Mario Vargas who did not hesitate to call it "doctor sublime." A José María Arguedas "for his beautiful prose, the delicacy of his themes and the message of love and faith in the Indian village of his stories and novels, José María Arguedas is one of the best storytellers of contemporary Peru, his work, a of the most constructive "(" In Narrators Peruvians, "1955," El Comercio "). José María Arguedas "continues the Nobel Prize in Literature, Mario Vargas Llosa is a simple man, hardworking and no big ambitions, has had a childhood and youth harsh. Arguedas has never sought fame or fortune. " (Reprinted by the magazine The Sunday 10/10/1910)

Saturday, October 9, 2010

2010 Grand Caravan Pimped Out

If I could live my life again

This is the Poem of Moments the American Nadine Stair and many attributed to Jorge Luis Borges .

If I could live my life again.
The next try to make more mistakes.
not try to be so perfect, I would relax more.
would be sillier than I have in fact been
would take fewer things seriously.
would be less hygienic.
run more risks, take more trips, contemplate more sunsets, climb more mountains, swim more rivers.
go to more places I've never been, I would eat more ice cream and fewer beans have more real problems and less imaginary.
I was one of those people who lived sensibly and prolifically each minute of his life, of course I had moments of joy.
But, if I could go back I would try to have only good moments.
case you did not know that life is made only of moments, do not miss the now.
I was one of those who never went anywhere without a thermometer, a hot water bottle, umbrella and a parachute, If I could live again, travel lighter.
If I could live again, begin to walk barefoot in the early spring and remain so until the end of autumn.
would take more turns in carousel, watch more sunrises and play with more children, if I had another life ahead.
But, I have 85 years and I know I'm dying ...

Friday, October 8, 2010

Are People With Hiv Sick Often

"The belief in the value of scientific truth does not come from nature, but is the product of certain cultures."

" politician should be: passionate love for his cause, ethics of responsibility, restraint in their actions . "

Max Weber

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Dewormed Puppies Stool

Quote of the day NOBEL LITERATURE Mario Vargas Llosa

The good news this morning, was broadcast by all media: Mario Vargas Llosa won the Nobel Prize for Literature .
certainly great news for Peruvians. A great reason to continue to grow as humans. Moving forward as a society. Growing economically to improve the lives of Peruvians.

For me, not only a joy Mario Vargas Llosa , deservedly received the Nobel Prize in Literature , but the pride of the Peruvians and Latin Americans. It is also an act of justice, an act of honor merit, because Mario Vargas Llosa is a writer who is characterized by constant perfecting his narrative technique.

Peru is a party. A toast to Mario Vargas Llosa. A toast to freedom that both defended and defends.

A toast to the Freedom Movement ! he founded to defend freedom and oppose the nationalization of banks in Peru .

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Replacement Shower Towel Bar

The challenge of the new municipal authorities to improve the competitiveness

By: Silvestre Wens

The Economics magazine said that Peru is one of the 3 most attractive countries for investment in microfinance. Good news in the sense that behind microfinance entrepreneurs are SMEs, the main engine of the Peruvian economy and employs the largest number of SAP in the country.

On October 3, has been elected to new local and regional authorities. The candidates who participated in this electoral process focused their concern on safety and transport, which is good because it contributes to improving the conditions that favor the competitiveness of our cities. One of the challenges essential in the short term, with the new municipal authorities elected, is to address the bureaucratic barriers that limit the decision making of entrepreneurs of small businesses. SMEs contribute to improving employment and income levels of families, therefore, it is important to improve levels of economic and social development of a locality.

In the medium and long term, it is the challenge of improving levels of quality of education currently taught in educational institutions in the country. In that sense, it is important that local authorities are actively involved in the preliminary coordination of the irreversible process of decentralization education through the municipalities. This process requires the commitment of the mayor, directors, teachers and parents to develop a curriculum plan according to the context of today's world demands. This may be the beginning of a continuous process of improving the quality of education in harmony with the demands of a competitive market that allows basic education students be able to deal on equal terms to students of all item globe. This must be one of the objectives of education in the hands of municipalities and mayors challenge to be able to lead this initiative.

From the town you can create creative ways that will enable ultimately improve the levels of economic and social development within their jurisdiction. Success democratically elected authorities.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

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The largest university in Latin America and one of the best the world has just celebrated its centenary

I've always been interested in the topic of universities. With the forgiveness of readers, perhaps I will say it sounds like a presumption: I know some universities in Latin America and the majority of universities in Peru. Federal University of Brazil (Rio de Janeiro), the National University of Chile (Santiago), the University of Havana (Cuba), La Universidad Latina de Costa Rica (San Jose) are colleges that have been lucky and know that I admire for their contributions to science and technology as well as its contributions to economic development and social development of their countries and Latin America (and Caribbean). Of these, by the UNAM (Mexico) I have more admiration not only for its impressive university campus but also for its importance in the world for scientific research and producing of Science, Technology and Innovation for the development of societies and as one of the Universities of Latin America that appears (along with the universities of the countries of Brazil, Argentina and Chile) in the world ranking of best universities in the world and have Mario Molina, Nobel Prize in Science (Chemistry) , not including Octavio Paz, Nobel Prize in Literature and Alfonso Garcia Robles Nobel Prize Peace, famous alumni of the UNAM.

In Peru I have also had the good fortune to meet most of the universities, which likewise I admire. With forgiveness from other universities with equal or more merit, let me mention some of them: San Marcos to which I learn more by being a proud San Marcos and pride, San Agustín de Arequipa, San Antonio Abad del Cuzco, San Cristobal Huamanga, the center of Junin, Huanuco Baldizán Hermilio, University of Cajamarca, Universidad de Trujillo, Agraria de la Selva, et cetera.

The Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) is simply extraordinary. Bástese reference only a few facts: "The UNAM has 314 thousand students, 35 thousand academics, three thousand 500 researchers, 2 000 buildings, 139 libraries, 56 thousand computers networked, 18 museums, many other historical sites, a channel TV and radio station, a publishing house thousands of books and hundreds of periodicals, as well as a university town has been declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Beyond the assets to the institution are taught 85 undergraduate and 40 graduate programs operate with 83 curricula for master's and doctoral programs as well as 34 specialized with 189 orientations. Virtually no area of \u200b\u200buniversal knowledge in which the highest seat of learning has no top-level specialists from medieval studies to nanotechnology, through the legal sciences, dentistry and information. " (Source: ). (In the following picture: the main facade of the City University, Heritage - )
"UNAM, besides being a most international universities academics in Latin America is also one of the largest and most beautiful and artistic dedication that has been done by considering an indissoluble part of national project. The construction of its main campus south of Mexico City, known as Ciudad Universitaria (CU) was carried out by several of Mexico's best architects of the twentieth century by artists such as Siqueiros, Diego Rivera and Francisco Eppens. In 2007, its central campus was declared a World Heritage by UNESCO Huamanidad. In 2009 he was awarded the Prince of Asturias Prize for Communications and Humanities. ") Http://

Inevitably, the UNAM has problems like any other university in Latin America in the case, for example, unemployment (or underemployment) professional. Although no statistics, at least not find-you know that Mexico has, as in all Latin countries, significant occupational unemployment levels, including graduating from UNAM. Speaking in an electronic forum on the 100 years of UNAM, a Mexican says, "We need millions of Mexicans in the university classroom." Wryly, one Mexican replies, "You're right, the City needs a lot of taxi drivers." "You want to compare the UNAM with universities in the Third World? Says another forum participant. Well NO, I want UNAM compare against the best in the world, we need more professionals who drive taxis, we need professionals who generate knowledge, to innovate, to create high added value companies, is it too much to ask to receive UNAM 30% of the entire budget in higher education? ". NOTE: Listen carefully: University science and technology to generate and new businesses (entrepreneurship training). This is the fundamental role of universities. If a university is limited to being professional (and even worse, because there are high levels of professional unemployment) is not a proper university. The university appears to be just in the ranking of the top schools have to take the activity of scientific research as a core activity and can generate priority science, technology and innovation. (Pictured above, Dr. José Narro Robles, Rector of the UNAM)

The centenary celebrations of the UNAM, Mario Vargas Llosa was honored with the award of degree of Doctor Honoris Causa, by the famous philosopher of philology Noam Chomsky, in a central ceremony led by the rector of the UNAM, Dr. José Narro Robles. Incidentally, in the email address realizes the following: MEXICO - The National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM), which just celebrated a century of existence, has awarded honorary doctorates to nine Mexicans and seven foreigners. Among the distinguished personalities bright, UNAM awarded the American linguist Noam Chomsky and the Peruvian writer Mario Vargas Llosa. In a solemn ceremony given in the Palacio de Mineria in Mexico City, the rector of the UNAM, José Narro, acknowledged "the contribution to humanity and their fields of work" of the 16 figures who received the honorary title.

About Mario Vargas Llosa, who professed an admiration fantastic publicly demonstrated on several occasions, has put things in place here in Peru, recently directing a categorical Letter to President Alan Garcia in relation to the claim policy of granting waivers of penalties for corrupt Fujimori regime murderers . Important considering the text of the letter I would play it verbatim.

"Paris, 13 September 2010

Hon. HE Dr. Alan Garcia Perez

President of Peru Lima

Mr. President,

I hereby give you my irrevocable resignation to the Commission in charge of the memory location whose presidency did you have to trust me and I accepted well convinced that his government was determined to continue the development of democracy in Peru so damaged by crimes and theft from the dictatorship of Fujimori and Montesinos.

The reason for my resignation is the recent Legislative Decree 1097 which, obviously, is a thinly disguised amnesty to benefit a good number of people linked to the dictatorship and convicted or prosecuted for crimes against human-rights murders , torture and disappearances, including former dictator himself and his right arm. The move has outraged all democratic sectors of the country and international public opinion, as evidenced by the pronouncements of the Rapporteur of the UN, the Human Rights Commission, the Episcopal Conference, the Ombudsman and representatives of various social organizations and policies, including some congressmen APRA. I fully agree with these protests.

There is, in my opinion, an essential incompatibility between, on one hand, sponsoring the erection of a monument to the victims of violence unleashed by the Shining Path terrorism since 1980 and, secondly, open by a legal trick the back door of the prison to those who, in the context of that disastrous rebellion of fans also committed heinous crimes and helped to sow hatred, blood and suffering of Peruvian society.

I do not know what pressures the military sectors that thrived under the dictatorship and not resign themselves to democracy, or what considerations tiny electoral politics have led you to protect an initiative that will only bring discredit their government and to account those who accuse him of secretly agreed in close collaboration with the same Fujimori that he was exiled and persecuted for eight years. In any case, what happened is a real Unfortunately that will resurrect the division and political rancor in the country, especially in a period exceptionally beneficial for the development and during an electoral process that should serve rather to strengthen our law and our democratic traditions.

Although political opponents have been at odds in the past, in the last election I voted for you and I urged Peruvians to do the same to avoid a drift to Peru that we had depleted extremist and deranged. And I've publicly celebrated in Peru and abroad, its healthy correction of ideas, especially economic policy, how good has consequences for the progress and the image of Peru in recent years. Hopefully you have the same value to rectify once again to abolish this nefarious decree and seek allies among Peruvians decent and democratic brought him to power with their votes instead of searching among the heirs of an authoritarian regime that plunged Peru into the ignominy of corruption and crime and continue to plot to resurrect such abjection.

Yours sincerely,

Mario Vargas Llosa

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Is Denisemilani Married




Bulletin 96 March 2010


universities in Peru can be public or private, are regulated by the University Act (No. 23,733). In the past ten years, the number of universities has been growing steadily. However, the greatest growth was recorded universities private (163%). According to research CAD Ciudadanos al Día, based on information recently released by the National Assembly of Rectors (ANR) in 2009, there were 98 universities in Peru: 35 public and 63 private.

Students from the Universities

According to the latest publicly available information, the number of applicants to public universities was almost double that of private universities. Also, public universities have more graduates and graduates. Of the nearly 287 000 students enrolled in public universities in 2007, 58% were men and 42% female. Universities receiving

larger budget
2010, public universities received more funds are: the Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos (S /. 295 million), the Universidad Nacional San Antonio Abad (S /. 239 million) and the National University Engineering (S /. 194 million).

executed and Budget 2010 Budget

Regarding the 2010 Budget, the budget table is led by the Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos (Lima), the Universidad Nacional San Antonio Abad (Cusco) and the Universidad Nacional de Ingeniería (Lima .) At the other extreme are the National University Toribio Rodríguez de Mendoza of the Amazon, the Intercultural University of the Amazon (Ucayali) and National University of Apurimac José María Arguedas. Budget

executed in 2009

In 2009, the Universidad Nacional del Callao Universidad Nacional de San Martín and Universidad Nacional San Luis Gonzaga were the

had higher levels of budget execution (105% 103% and 102% respectively). By contrast, those who had lower levels of budget execution were the Universidad Nacional San Antonio Abad (48%), National University of Cajamarca (43%) and the National University of Moquegua (32%)

funding sources Public Universities

58% of the budget allocated to public universities comes from state tax revenues, a sum amounting to S /. 1.368 million. The resources 30% is collected directly by the universities themselves (Fees, Sale of Goods, Service Delivery, etc.), 9% to grants and transfers, and 3% fee and sobrecanon, royalties, customs and income shares. Spending

Public Universities

80% of the budget allocated to public universities is intended to running costs, while 20% to capital expenditure.

The Public Versus the Private

Manuel Burga *

Certainly since 1996, with Legislative Decree No. 882, which encourages private investment

for-profit higher education college, start a new period in the history of the Peruvian university . A period which I have called Silent Reform, to contrast with the bustling Reforma de Córdoba of the last century. Many criticize the proliferation of private universities, but no one could stop or even regulate this process, because their representatives

, own or linked to these institutions, as officers or teachers, are everywhere. The National Council for Authorization Performance of Universities (CONAFU) could not prevent further creating more universities, and was unable to prevent the Congress believes his side by new public universities. On the other hand, everyone agrees that public universities are in crisis, do not know whether cyclical or structural. Between 2006 and 2010 the total budget allocated to this sector has increased by 41%, but this is an increase in response to the creation of new universities.

The traditional budget, such as San Marcos and UNI qualitatively unchanged: 80% still going to current expenditures (wages and redundant assets) and only 20% of Capital Expenditures. It would seem that falta inversión

pública, pero si miramos el presupuesto ejecutado, en estas universidades, encontramos que solamente 4 gastan lo que se les asigna, todas las demás dejan de gastar. Entonces, todo parece indicar que es urgente una nueva ley universitaria para superar los problemas de mediocridad académica y de grave ineficiencia administrativa.

* Miembro del Jurado del Premio Buenas Prácticas en Gestión Pública, ex rector de la Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos y actual vicerrector de la Universidad Antonio Ruiz de Montoya.


Canon Minero y Universidades Públicas


Bulletin September 16. 2005

knew that this year public universities in mining areas will receive more than S /. Only 44 million in mining royalties? only the National University of Cajamarca receive more than S /. 14 million in mining royalties in 2005? 10% of the budget of the Universidad San Antonio Abad del Cusco for this year is what will transfer the regional government and sobrecanon canon? last year it accounted for about S /. 3 million soles for mining royalties to the Universidad Nacional del Altiplano, and this year the figure is on board the S /. 5 million? more than 20 universities in the country derive income from mining royalties and transfers to higher education by this concept have doubled in the last year?

This year, the Central Government transferred to the regions S /. 888 million from mining royalties, a figure that is 96% higher than 2004. That money is intended, according to Canon Law, regional governments and municipalities of the mining departments, and national universities located in them. In the latter case we are talking about for 2005 is S /. 44 million, a relatively modest amount compared to what they take the other beneficiaries of the fee and the total budget universities. However, in a context in which public funds for education and science are markedly insufficient, these resources can not be underestimated, even more so when you are on the rise driven by the mining boom.

this newsletter, the result of research carried out by CAD Ciudadanos al Día (see derivative InformeCAD N ° 39 "Mining Canon 2005: Status and Prospects", last August), seeks to contribute to transparency in the management of these public resources and facilitate citizen oversight of its use. At present, CAD Ciudadanos al Día also expected to encourage reflection on the responsibility universities in the effort to turn the canon into a lever for local development.

"All universities receive mining royalties?. No. Only mining royalties received national or public universities located in the departments where there is mining. Furthermore, as mining royalties are calculated from income tax for companies that exploit the resource, and this depends on the profits of those companies, public universities receive this transfer as long as the mines in their area have profits generated in the previous period. 28 national universities are receiving this year's mining royalties. In contrast, the Universidad Nacional Pedro Ruiz Gallo, Lambayeque; National University of Ucayali, the National Intercultural University of the Peruvian Amazon, in the same department, the National University of the Peruvian Amazon of Loreto National University of Callao and the Universidad Nacional de Tumbes not receive mining royalties by not being mining areas, but may qualify for other kinds of fees.




Update 66 September. 2009

Under Law (Law 23,733), the are public or private universities, as formed on the initiative of the State or individuals. In recent years the number of universities has grown dramatically. By 2009, according to research CAD Ciudadanos al Día, based on data from the National Assembly of Rectors (ANR), there are 98 universities in Peru (35 public and 63 private). Funding Sources

51% of the budget allocated to public universities comes from state tax revenues, amounting to S/.1 amount, 397 million. The resources 28% is collected directly by the universities themselves (Fees, Sale of Goods, Provision Services etc), 14% Grants and transfers and 7% at Canon item and Sobrecanon Royalties, Customs and Income Shares.



José Dávila C.

Cajamarca, Peru

public university budget grew 41% in the last four years

 are 2.346 million new soles for 2010

 San Marcos, San Antonio Abad Cusco and the UNI concentrate 31% of the budget this year

What is the amount earmarked by the State public universities? What careers have the largest number of applicants? What are the sources of funding for the education sector? According to the investigation of CAD Ciudadanos al Día developed on the basis of information from the Ministry of Economy and Finance, the public budget allocated to national universities grew by 41% since 2006, and in 2010 the budget allocated to the sector amounted to 2.346 million new soles.

The colleges that receive the largest amounts for 2010 are the Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos (S/.295 million), the Universidad Nacional San Antonio Abad Cusco (S/.239 million) and the National Engineering University (S/.194 million), the same ones that account for 31% of the budget allocated to this sector this year. While they receive smaller amounts are universities Apurimac José María Arguedas (S/.7 million), Intercultural Amazonian Ucayali (S /. 8 million) and Toribio Rodriguez de Mendoza de Amazonas (S /. 9 million).

The Peruvian government finances by 2010 a total of 35 national universities, of which seven are located in the department of Lima. 20 departments in the country have a public university, and 4 apartments have two universities each.

Medicine, Accounting and Administration are the most sought after careers

According to the latest information from the National Assembly of Rectors (ANR), published a few weeks ago, the number of applicants to public universities was almost double that of private universities. Also, public universities have more graduates and graduates. Of the nearly 287 000 students enrolled in public universities in 2007, 58% were men and 42% female.

For applicants to public universities, 50% were in the most sought after careers: Management, Medical, Accounting, Law, among others. For his part, 33% of graduates' careers up to the highest concentration of students: Secondary Education, Accounting, Management, Law and Political Science, among others.

About 60% of the budget allocated to public universities comes from tax revenue

According to the investigation of CAD Ciudadanos al Día, 58% of the budget allocated to public universities in 2010 came from tax revenue State amount of up to S/.1, 368 million. The resources 30% is collected directly by the universities themselves (fees, sales of goods, provision of services, etc.), 9% to grants and transfers, and 3% per item fee and sobrecanon, royalties, customs and income shares.

regard to the costs of public universities, 80% of the budget this year is used for current expenditure, while 20% is capital spending.

Manuel Burga: "This situation becomes dramatic when we find that the UNSAAC of Cusco and the University of Cajamarca, rich fee, have run only 48 and 43% respectively of their 2009 budgets.


Dear José Dávila receive my greetings:

can not say without analysis information one receives. Moreover if we are university professors. The budget is a word in our very special country for its effects when used causes. The budget covered by this NGO. It is with a dual purpose. The first is that the state is giving them money every year and leave it standing.

The second is that the fault of the current authorities and take advantage of this part of the former Rector Burga and say "there are poor teachers to be evaluated." Do not forget that all NGOs are numbing of society, serve to capture a few live knows that money home.

you clarify:

The budget of a National University and San Marcos for example is: Budget

assigned this corrupt government of Alan Garcia is only 60% and 98% covers salaries and only 2% goes for investment and if you divide it among 20 faculties are talking about nothing .

The "budget" of the other 40% does not exist at the beginning of the year is projected this year, this corresponds to the known "resources directly raised." Ie 40% is budgeted but will be conducted according to the daily management.

So in this area is for example in San Marcos where you want to get a duplicate of a title charge you 3,000 soles. In a time now principals and deans are passed juggling make this part of the "budget" is met and that any business makes such Alas Peruanas "pseudo make agreements with companies and institutes etc. etc.

UNI Another example in the structure of this budget is 70% and it assumes the UNI and the state 30%. In other words as the budget managed by the university to grow in the same magnitude the state withdraws its goal is to reach zero and assume that each university the Complete economic management.

So my dear Joseph is the "budget".

Question and analyzed in Cajamarca your university as the budget and he told us.

A hug Mr. Isaac Valderrama
Teaching engineering faculty Electronics and electrical UNMSM



Manuel Burga Díaz, a member of the Jury of Good Practice in Public Management 2010, former rector of the Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos and current rector of the Universidad Antonio Ruiz de Montoya, highlighted the status of universities Today public and inefficient budget expenditure. "Between 2006 and 2010 the total budget allocated to this sector has increased by 41%, but this is an increase in response the establishment of new universities. The traditional budget, such as San Marcos and UNI has not changed qualitatively. It would seem that lack public investment, but if we look at the budget implemented in these schools, we found that only 4 spend what they are given, all other stop spending. So it seems that new law is urgently needed to overcome the problems university of academic mediocrity and serious administrative inefficiency, "he said.