Mario Vargas Llosa,
San Marcos universal Insigne
Today Thursday October 7, 2010 at 7:30 am, road to San Marcos, I hear on the radio that Mario Vargas Llosa has been awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature. Just come to the classroom shared the joy and satisfaction as welcome news to students. Finally, Mario Vargas Llosa was awarded the prize of global significance for its long and successful commitment to literature. San Marcos for the award means greater satisfaction for Mario Vargas Llosa is a prestigious degree from the Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos of ever Nobel Prize for Literature today showed pride and recognition to their Alma Mater.
This great satisfaction and joy as welcome news for Peru is doubly felt because it is sustained and recently my admiration for Mario Vargas Llosa. On several occasions I have publicly expressed my support and admiration for his talent, style and creative writing. For example, in 1996 published the book in which Administrative Writing in an expression of my admiration, I quoted the text of The War world order, one of his novels crests as shows a unique style of writing at the height of the great writers of the world.
In the month of November 2009 I published about the famous San Marcos Doctors Honoris Causa, including Mario Vargas Llosa ( Link November 2009). In the month of January 2010 published in the same email address above (Link in January 2010) with the title of Mario Vargas Llosa in San Marcos which highlights the great news that in May 2001, Mario Vargas Llosa had San Marcos was declared as Doctor Honoris Causa, San Marcos received recognition from Dr. Ricardo Lama Ramirez, then Rector of the University of San Marcos.
In February of this year 2010 in Popular Culture Cartoons No. 6 ( Link February 2010) highlight the great universal history of Mario Vargas Llosa said, " MVLl, universal Laureate and famous writer and San Marcos who may well have won the Nobel Prize for Literature, but I do not doubt that at some point, deservedly, will be awarded. His father thought that Mark was a university cholos, APRA and communists and insisted that he should study in the Catholic, but chose Mario Vargas Llosa, a proud, studying Literature in San Marcos. "When I went to San Marcos, says MVLl-was a boy who loved literature. When I graduated I was convinced that writing was my destiny and was determined to do the impossible to achieve. I followed the career of Arts and Law in San Marcos. The first, by vocation and the second resigned nutritional reasons. " In the month of September of this year compared to the centennial of the UNAM (Mexico), likewise stressed the importance of Mario Vargas Llosa, who in a special ceremony was held at UNAM and Dr. Honoris Causa (http:// Link September 2010).
Mario Vargas Llosa, Arequipa, now Share the Gallery of Honor of the Nobel Prize for Literature of the great homeland that is Latin America with Octavio Paz (Mexico), Gabriel Garcia (Colombia), Gabriela Mistral (Chile), Pablo Neruda (Chile) and Miguel Angel Asturias (Guatemala). (Picture below:
The Swedish Academy awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature to Mario Vargas Llosa "On the mapping of the structures of power and its scathing images of individual resistance, rebellion and defeat" , mapping is expressed in his works, including: The War of the End of the World, The Feast the goat, The City and the Dogs, The Green House, Pantoja and the Special, etc. and in his latest novel published yet Celtic's dream.
Back to Mario Vargas Llosa read, let our children and grandchildren read his most famous works, advocates on all colleges and universities in the country, especially in the first, has supported programs that would promote the culture of great reading for Peru. Make big to Peru will also mean that there is in the future Nobel prize for literature Peruvians, who has also Nobel Prizes for Science and Nobel Peace prize Peruvians.

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