Faculty of Management and Social
Nemesio Herrera Espinoza
National University Mayor de San Marcos (Lima, Peru)
science, technology and innovation-considered as catapults human development in today's knowledge societies "must be produced, taught, disseminated and implemented, and these activities are fundamental tasks of universities to contribute effectively to the development process of their countries.
sees clearly is a new era in the world in that the chances of our development will be directly linked to our scientific and technological advancement (Text José María Figueres Olsen, President of the Republic of Costa Rica, which appears in the main front plate of the National Center for High Technology. San Jose Costa Rica) . "For better or worse our fate depends on science" (English journalist Manuel Calvo Hernando has been cited in the First Course in Science and Technology Dissemination in the Context of Latin America and the Caribbean organized by the Ministry of Science and Technology of Brazil and the Organization of American States (OAS), October 15 to November 14, 2007. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. In the following notes, where reference is made to this course, only be indicated as Outreach Course, 2007, Brazil) . "Building an egalitarian society and a promising future is impossible to back to Knowledge (Eduardo Wolovelsky, Argentino, quoted in Popular Science Course, 2007, Brazil) . These three witnesses realize about the new concept of economic and social development in the twenty-first century concept that the trilogy science, technology and innovation are present. The world's developed countries are countries moving to the beat of scientific progress (Science, Technology and Innovation, however, do not appear by magic but as a result of hard work for Scientific Research. This means that the development of today's societies must march to the beat of scientific research, the scientific input). Thus, science, technology and innovation are now more than ever, the real driving forces of the development process of companies in the world.
The Outreach permits "to circulate socially science, stimulating curiosity and wonder, encouraging critical thinking and debate on controversial issues" (Miguel Alcíbar Neck, 2004. Quoted in Popular Science Course, 2007, Brazil) , although this means overcoming "many barriers such as limited knowledge of the researcher, language, professional secrecy, the inspiration and the natural barrier of the public" (Reis and Gonçalves, 1998 . Quoted in Popular Science Course, 2007, Brazil) , and that "the promotion, dissemination and exchange of science, technology and innovation at different levels of education through museums, exhibitions, prizes and other mechanisms conducive to social value of knowledge, talent identification and promotion of habits and the adoption of permanent research and innovation " (According to Article 5, paragraph l of the Framework Law on Science, Technology and Technological Innovation .- CONCYTEC, Peru). The "Outreach assumes a transposition of a specialized language to a non-specialized language, with the aim of making content accessible to a wide audience" (Bueno, 1995. Quoted in Popular Science Course, 2007, Brazil).
The nature of the Popular Science is not only characterized by multi-disciplinary (or interdisciplinary), but first and foremost as transdisciplinary it transcends disciplines and domains of human knowledge and, therefore, may be, must be "practiced by any professional, for which reason reaches its horizontal nature, which are conducive to the consolidation of the scientific, to scientific literacy, to promoting social inclusion and sustained own scientific culture as a mechanism of economic and social development and sustainable societies.
"The Sophists come to be the pioneers of Popular Science for its teaching of science concerns the people and his teaching method consisting of the art of thinking and doubting bringing knowledge to the people, the population in general " (Reis and Gonçalves, 1998. Quoted in Popular Science Course, 2007, Brazil). "The idea is that science should be spoken in all places, including markets for the people" (Pinheiro, 2007. Quoted in Course I (Brazil, 2007). "Circulate social science, encouraging curiosity and wonder, and encouraging critical thinking and debate on controversial issues " (Alcíbar, 2004. Quoted in Popular Science Course, 2007, Brazil).
"The popularization of science is the interpretation and popularization of scientific knowledge among the general public not limited to specific academic areas becoming popular science" (The quote is for the electronic encyclopedia Wikipedia. Http:// / wiki / Disclosure% C3% C3% ADfica B3n_cient%) . The U.S. magazine Popular Science Founded in 1872 is perhaps the pioneer of popular science in the world. Translated into English the term popular science could be understood as popular science or popular science. This magazine, like other media outreach science in the world, specializes in providing news on science and technology aimed at the lay public, the people.
There is, therefore, the imperative need for the general population is not alien to the great achievements of scientific research and scientific elites, but on the contrary, interpretations, admire and participate actively promote more science, more scientific research and thus contribute to the sustained construction of scientific culture of societies.
approach of the problem situation
In Latin America, countries like Brazil, Costa Rica, Mexico, Argentina and Chile, to name a few, are making considerable progress in the issue of Popular Science because they have failed to understand the significance and impact of science and technology-therefore-Scientific Research and realized the need for the Popularization of Science as strategies to build new societies sustained themselves in the current era.
In such countries starts a whole machinery of Popular Science: cultural spaces, museums, traveling exhibitions, botanical gardens, television and radio stations, newspapers and magazines, electronic media, etc.. Importance other than it is, the issue of Popular Science, the role of the educational system in countries for many years been working for the great task of extending and popularizing science and technology. From early childhood, primary, secondary, universities, etc.. working very actively in the work of the Outreach, psyched from children's predisposition towards science and technology and thus very actively and consciously forming new generations of citizens with new attitudes to development (Permanence in Brazil during the development of I Course in Science and Technology Dissemination in the Context of Latin America and the Caribbean organized by the Ministry of Science and Technology of Brazil and the Organization of American States (OAS) October 15 to 14 November 2007. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, has been able to appreciate how this emerging country in Latin America is launching an entire Outreach active system).
In the case of Peru, the issue of science and technology is not a national priority and scientific research is subtracted from importance, the consequence of national scientific culture is still emerging and virtually nonexistent Outreach system. For the reason stated is that Peru does not appear frequently in the statistics relating to science, technology, innovation, scientific popularization (See article postgraduate studies and production of science and technology in Peru, Nemesio Herrera Espinoza , the book addresses the science and technology in development, a view from Latin America, edited by the Autonomous University of Zacatecas, Mexico. Edition 2009. 20CyT.pdf This article reports on the current status of science and technology in Peru. With regard specifically to the issue of Popular Science, understood as a tool to promote sustained mass popularization or national science and technology absolutely necessary to promote real economic and social development of the country is still nonexistent in Peru in terms of modernity requires.

The following testimonies corroborate the fact that in Peru, Popular Science is only beginning and that of the same actors, non-existent. "The popularization of science in Peru is a topic that still is not given much importance. Few efforts by the media and journalists have spaces dedicated to scientific themes. Approach is needed science to people, because every medical discovery, technological advancement, or environmental disaster can improve the quality of life of people from all over the globe, or damage. It is also necessary training of media professionals to manage and disseminate good science issues and not make it boring or tedious " (Zavala 2008) . "During the workshop stressed that science journalism in Peru is still in its infancy, is virtually nonexistent as a discipline in the faculties of communication and, with few exceptions, the media have no permanent space dissemination of science" (Portillo, 2007). "In Peru, Oscar Miró Quesada and Thomas Unger are the most representative pioneers of science journalism in Latin America" \u200b\u200b (high benchmark made by the Network of Journalists and scientist of Peru. Both scientists referred to stand in disseminating new knowledge through El Comercio)
popular science in the Peruvian universities
Considering that the university has the fundamental mission and primary production of science, technology and innovation through scientific research also has the great responsibility to contribute to scientific literacy and to promote the popularization of science, technology and innovation. But in the case of the Peruvian university does not assume such responsibility.
Peruvian universities have a responsibility to assume the leading role in promoting national scientific mass by three inescapable tasks by their inherent nature is responsible for: a) the teaching of modern science and technology in all powers without exception, under the concept of scientific disciplines; b) the production of science, technology and innovation through scientific research in terms of quality and productivity demands of modernity, and c) Outreach in the area of \u200b\u200bthe universities and the national level.
All national effort to disseminate science and technology as the way to the mass of scientific culture of the country, must necessarily from the quarries of the university, where she always has the full capacity to build on levels of quality that modern times require. If the university does not epic science and technology through research What science has to disclose? just have to play an insignificant role diffuser science and technology from other countries where universities do produce science and technology for research.
is unworkable national popularization of science and technology through the Outreach without the initiative, active participation and leading role of the university. For this reason is that any effort to start in Peru and the mass dissemination of science and technology has to be hand in hand with the university and it should be, for obvious reasons, to match that demand.
Subsisting still in Peru the traditional university concept eminently professionalizing. Thanks to him the university instead of being conceived as an institution of higher learning producing eminently science, technology and innovation through scientific research, is seen predominantly as a trainer of professional and still wrong, because there is in the significant levels of unemployment country professional. For this reason is that the universities of Peru does not produce science and technology (patents, inventions, innovations, creations, discoveries, etc..) And therefore does not perceive the need for disclosure Science, reason why the universities of Peru does not have the activity of the Outreach and fundamental priority, or at least as a marginal activity.
In this regard, the participation of public and private universities in Peru in the process of Popular Science is absolutely null. The representative of Peru universities (Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, University of Engineering, Agricultural University La Molina, Cayetano Heredia, Peru's Catholic University of Lima, San Agustin de Arequipa, San Antonio Abad del Cuzco, University Cajamarca, University Center, University Trujillo), none of which has an Outreach Unit, even as an accessory to a drive connected to science and scientific research. Ie in Peru, no university has within it a unit or area of \u200b\u200bPopular Science or professional teams working on the issue of disclosure of science, technology and innovation.
In these universities can be seen, moreover, that neither in their own fields, the Outreach activity in terms of what its nature, the consequence or limited scientific output is generated properly disclosed, even in their own precincts because there are, for example-but one or two exceptions, true scientific journals (print or electronic) having impact, indexed and indexed to disseminate the final products of research. This manifests itself, though it is paradoxical to say, the need for scientific and technological literacy in the Peruvian universities. And massively disseminate science and technology in the context of the Peruvian university is the first major step towards national scientific popularization (Another fact that is linked the issue of the role of universities in the process of Disclosure Science is the absolute lack of professionalism programs at universities Outreach Peru).
Thus, the Peruvian university is back to his role on the issue of Popular Science in terms of the following logic: if universities in Peru generally do not investigate and therefore do not produce science and technology, except very few exceptions, and not spread their meager scientific production even in their own academic fields, less may be able to participate actively in the process of national Outreach.
accepted as a final conclusion the national need for the restructuring of the Peruvian university based on the recognition of their role in science and technology in their generation, validation, dissemination and application to contribute steadily to development. This university restructuring necessarily create the conditions for the gradual institutionalization of the Popular Science in the Peruvian universities.
(additional information about this item, ask the author)
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