San Marcos today in the celebrations of 189 years of independence of Peru, are confronted with a set of still unresolved problems related to scientific research, professional training and administration of the university. However, as "San Marcos, knot of unease Square wins," say the great poet Juan Gonzalo Rose San Marcos, San Marcos University pioneer of American universities, has great historical challenge to show the world that exists and continues to contribute to the construction of Peruvian history.

The following is the article which points out the active participation of San Marcos in the process of the independence of Peru.
the dean of America in the Independence of Peru
La Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos (San Marcos), founded on May 12, 1551, took an active part in the events that culminated on July 28, 1821, with the proclamation of the independence of Peru and the founding of the Republic. To endorse this event, on 29 July of that year, with Rector Dr. Ignacio Mier, Dean swore American national independence.
Los Libertadores José de San Martín and Simón Bolívar had a cordial relation to this upper house of studies, which operated in the local Plaza of the Inquisition, which now runs the Congress.

also sent documents to all public institutions for their members to make an oath, sign a record and send the Liberator San Martín. One of these institutions was Protomedicato Court, under the San Marcos.
The Oath was made on July 29, 1821 and the next day, the minutes were sent to Libertador San Martín, with the signatures of Hipolito Unanue, Miguel Tafur, José Vergara, José Pezet, Felix Devoti and Luis Montes, professors at the School of Medicine, and many more adherents.
Subsequently, in our university institutional audience gave homage to the Libertadores San Martín and Bolívar. January 17 1822, being rector Dr. Ignacio Meir, met Don José de San Martín and Matos, in a ceremony during which the teacher Justo Figuerola Estrada in his keynote address said, "Buenos Aires, Chile and Peru are free because San Martin broke their chains. " The next day, San Martín returned to college to attend Mass honors, and his return to the Palace, he signed the power of government to the Marquis de Torre Tagle, before traveling to Buenos Aires.
Hosting Simon Bolivar was the June 3, 1826, when the chief physician was rector Miguel Tafur. The teacher Larriva and Joaquin Ruiz, in his speech order said: "It will extend as far as able to spread the glory and your August name, which makes the whole world's admiration." Bolivar said the speech with these words: "I will mark this special day forever honor of my life. I will never forget that I belong to the wise Academy of San Marcos. "
Two days after the ceremony in the morning, Bolivar Congress embarked on the brig, bound for Colombia, leaving the government responsible Andrés Mariscal Santa Cruz.
Office sent was read by His Excellency Don José de San Martín, Captain Army General Libertador Peru and Grand Officer of the Legion of Merit of Chile.
Interim Miguel Tafur the chief physician took the oath to all participants, according to the formula submitted by the Liberator: Do you swear before God and the homeland, sustain and defend your opinion, person and property independence of Peru's government English and any other foreign domination?.
Having answered all: Yes, I swear, the chief physician said: If ye do so, God help you and if not him and the country you request it. Completed so solemn and grand act signed by all who attended. On July 30, 1821, the chief physician Miguel Tafur sent the document signed by His Excellency Don José de San Martín.
SOURCE: http://www.unmsm.edu.pe/?id=1126
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