Friday, April 30, 2010

What Are The Dots In Facebook Chat


Small and micro enterprises as alternative solutions to the problem of unemployment and poverty in Peru

Author: Dr. Nemesio Herrera Espinoza

Senior Lecturer, Faculty of Administrative Sciences of the Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos

Foreword: Dr. Fernando Villarán

Former Minister of Labour, researcher and promoter of SMEs in Peru


Editorial Horizonte: Av Nicolas de Pierola 995 ( Plaza San Martín, Lima Centre) Tel 4279364 to 4274341

San Martín
Library: 1041 Union Jr.

Club Departamental Apurimac : Brazil 259 Lima Avenue

SAC C Editorial: Larco 986 Miraflores

Crucible: Ovalo Gutierrez, San Isidro

posts in the Boulevard de la Cultura JR. Quilca : Quilca Jr. 263, Centro de Lima. Post No. 9 and 12.


Telephone: 4234337-993923529


I. Economic and social impact of SMEs in Peru

Businesses in Peru - Classes of companies according to their occupation - Classes of company size - Classes of companies according to their property - Characteristics of small and micro enterprises Peru - Key features of SMEs 2008 - SMEs and the business sector in Peru - The economic and social connotations of SMEs - The current situation of SMEs in Peru - The promotion and development of SMEs in Peru - The SMEs in other countries

II. The employer: the key to the success of SMEs

What it means to be an entrepreneur - Characteristics of Entrepreneurs - The training of entrepreneurs - the training of entrepreneurs in universities

III. Activities of SMEs in Peru
Opportunities for SMEs - The activities engaged or may engage SMEs - Industrial activities in SMEs - Main Items in the activities of the industrial activities SME - Service activities in SMEs - tourism activities in SMEs - The activities of food preparation (restaurants and the like) in SMEs - The agriculture and related activities in SMEs - start of business in SMEs - the differential competitive advantage in the success of SMEs.

IV. Sales in SMEs

Main objective of SMEs: win customers, win new markets - marketing strategy in SMEs - The product marketing strategy - the market in the marketing strategy - The costs and prices in the marketing strategy - A case analysis of costs - the advertising marketing strategy - Promotion in marketing strategy - The sales process in marketing strategy.

V. SME finance in

The finance function of business. The entrepreneur and financier - skills and financial skills of the entrepreneur - the capital structure of SMEs - The financial needs of SMEs - Working capital in SMEs - Financial analysis on SMEs - Financing SMEs - financial institutions no bank - guarantees for the financing of SMEs - The cost of capital for financing SMEs - Accounting and taxation in SMEs - taxation in SMEs - The income tax - The general sales tax - Social contributions in SMEs - tax regimes for SMEs - Single System Simplified - Special Scheme for Income Tax - General System of Income Tax - The payment vouchers in SMEs.

VI. The law of SMEs in Peru

Need for Ad-Hoc legal framework for SMEs - Major laws related to SMEs - SME legal Constitution.

VII. Science, technology and innovation in SMEs

scientific research, science, technology and innovation in the development of SMEs today - technology parks and development of SMEs in Peru - The advisory, consultancy and training as means of transfer technology in SMEs - Training in SMEs - The Internet and electronic SMEs.

1. Body Anthology of

2. Documentary Directors

3. Administrative Writing

4. University Management

5. Apurimac, poverty and wealth

6. Effective public universities

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Mexican Inspired Dinnerware

Science and Technology in Latin America and the Caribbean

National Science, Technology and Innovation in Latin America and the Caribbean

eBook 20naturales/Politicas% 20Cientificas/EYDPCALC-Vol-1.pdf


First Edition: February 2010

Guillermo Lemarchand (Editor)

and papers on science policy in LAC, Vol 1.

Some items contained in the
Inventory of national systems of science, technology and innovation

in Latin America and the Caribbean ................. Argentina .............................................. 147

................................. 149
Bolivia, .............................................. ................................. Brazil
............................................... 157 ..................................
Chile ............................................... 163 ................................... Costa Rica
.............................................. 173 ...........................
Cuba ............................................... 187 ..................................
Ecuador ............................................... 193 ...............................
El Salvador .............................................. 199 ........................... Guatemala
............................................... 205 ........................... Honduras ............................................... 211
............................. Jamaica
............................................... 217 .............................. 223
Mexico ............................................... ...............................
Nicaragua ............................................... 229 .......................... Panama
............................................... 237 ............................. Peru
243 .................................................. ............................... Dominican Republic .............................................. 253
........ Uruguay
............................................... 259 .............................
271 Venezuela, Bolivarian Republic ................................... CARICOM Countries
279 ............................................. .......... 285


The National Science, Technology and Innovation Research (SINACYT) Peru is organized around two institutions and a group of executing agencies specializing in various areas of national interest. The National Council for Science, Technology and Innovation Research (CONCYTEC) concentrates political functions, coordination and promotion of System Science, Technology and Innovation (CTI). Is the governing body of SINACYT, who manage, promote, coordinate, monitor and evaluate government actions aimed at linking the activities of CTI and STI policy formulation.

have legal personality of public law and scientific autonomy, administrative, economic and financial. Funding for STI activities centralized in the National Fund for Scientific, Technological and Innovation Research (FONDECYT). Is an autonomous body under the Prime Minister in charge of capturing, managing, administering and channeling resources from national and foreign, for SINACYT activities in Peru.

Regarding the implementation of STI activities is carried out by a number of specialized institutes in strategic areas of the country. Government agencies implementing R & D are: the National Aerospace Research and Development (CONIDA), the National Institute of Agricultural Research and Extension (INIEA) the Geophysical Institute of Peru (IGP), the Institute for Amazonian Research (IIAP), the Peruvian Institute of Nuclear Energy (IPEN), the Instituto del Mar del Peru (IMARPE), Instituto Tecnológico Pesquero del Peru (ITP) The National Institute of Health (NIH), National Institute for Research and Training Institute (INICTEL), the National Environment Council (CONAM) and the National Development Institute (INADE).

However, there is an entity responsible for assessing the SINACYT, which implies an inability to consistently measure progress towards the goals.


Peru has a range of initiatives to promote better coordination and integration between the productive sector and those involved in R & D. Besides the above institutes that help to create synergies between the private sector and SINACYT, Peru has the following initiatives: Centres for Technological Innovation (CITES) are the technology partners of firms to raise their capacity for innovation and achieve greater competitiveness and productivity. Each CITE is a meeting between government, academia and private sector ties in with the rest of the innovation system; Fund for Innovation, Science and Technology (FINCYT): This fund is created from a loan from the IDB in 2006, and aims to fund programs and projects private companies or research centers to promote innovation, improve competitiveness, expand capacity to generate scientific knowledge and encourage private sector participation in research, development and innovation.

The Programme Board comprises representatives of the scientific and academic community, government and private sector research fund Competitiveness and Development (FIDECOM) is a grant fund that was created in late 2007 (Act FIDECOM operation) and co-financed projects and training for SMEs and civil associations to generate income. But still does not have an executive unit or launched; INCAGRO project: promoting and strengthening the provision of nonfinancial services to innovation to help establish a modern system of CTI, led by the private sector to improve increase productivity and profitability of the agricultural sector in Peru.


The training and human capacity building in Peru CTI made by graduate university education system, resource allocation and the design and building of new graduate programs. Are noted for their importance, the following initiatives: Chairs CONCYTEC: is a quality given to a unit of a university graduate for the generation of human capital at the doctoral level, which translates into a subsidy for applied research projects and awarding scholarships to master and doctoral level, Office of Scholarships and Student Loans (Obec) is the government body responsible for managing, channel and provide scholarships and educational loans to students different levels to achieve their professional development public universities: the country has 33 public universities. Engaged in R & D with a certain preponderance: the Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos

(San Marcos), the National Engineering University (UNI) and the Universidad Nacional San Agustin de Arequipa (UNSA) 􀁳 􀀀 Private universities: there 42 private universities. They often perform R & D: Cayetano Heredia University (UPCH) and the Pontificia Universidad Catolica del Peru (PUCP). Significantly, the UPCH is the institution of higher education that conducts more R & D activities throughout Peru.