Friday, February 25, 2011

Stool Is Dark Brown Black



La Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Peru's largest university, the Dean of America, will meet 460 years of its founding on May 12 this year 2011. In May of this year is also important to San Marcos, and Peru-as through an electoral process (hopefully with universal suffrage and secret) will be chosen the new president (and vice) and they should be inaugurated, as expected by the country-a new era for San Marcos.

This Report consists of four parts to be delivered sequentially, I. San Marcos infrastructure (Photographs showing how managers of the University "managed" infrastructure). II. Scientific Research in San Marcos. III. Training in San Marcos, and IV: Management of San Marcos.


from the observations that can be done about the situation of the vast infrastructure which owns San Marcos, we can conclude that they are extremely careless. Not attributed this situation to the fallacy of the lack of resources-San Marcos has many resources and to spare-but to the negligence of those managing the university.

As relates to the university, we do not make reference in relation to its limits surround it, as you know the country has fallen into rubble (barbed wire mesh and metal containers) due to the disagreements of the San Marcos managers with the Municipality of Lima. The fact that this unfortunate situation remains the same for months, for years, with no signs of solution, is also a clear indication of the serious difficulties and limitations of the management of San Marcos.

Photographs see:


The rector of San Marcos absent

San Marcos loses ground: http

: / /

Where is San Marcos?:

The Strategic Plan of the Faculty of Administrative Sciences, University Mayor de San Marcos National

honorary Doctors San Marcos:

About the Faculty of Administrative Sciences of San Marcos:

http://nespinozah.blogspot .com/2009/09/facultad-de-ciencias-administrativas.html

San Marcos: the decade of lost opportunities:

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

How Do Dress Up As An Oap

Science and Technology in Latin America



Figueroa Silvana Andrea Delgado (Mexico)


In October 2008 the Congress was "Science, technology and culture. Dialogue between disciplines. Looking to the future of Latin America and the Caribbean" at the University of Santiago de Chile, which was the result of an initiative that sought to establish a space for interaction between different disciplines and working groups in which not only present and discuss the progress of its investigations, but also generate coordination among participants, defined as agents of knowledge - to achieve better impact on public policy in the region. For four days, hundreds of participants from 25 countries gathered under that notice, obtaining a range of outcomes, within which are the establishment of academic networks and the diffusion and dissemination of ponencias1.

As part of this event took place the working group "Science and Technology for Development" which was thought as central to science and technology, in terms of their importance in processes development, the role of the State in their promotion and the need to rethink from the contemporary social problems of our countries. The point raised was the consideration of technological backwardness in Latin America and the Caribbean and the need to revise the beaten path; recognizing that the conduct of scientific research and technological developments have been substantial for countries to generate high production capacity and achieve higher incomes and standards of living of its population.

bench in the Ten papers were presented, which allowed deeper into the themes. Questioned the relationship between science-technology-development from different angles, as well as public policies implemented in the countries of the region, and reflected on how the training of foreign human resources and international cooperation affect the uncritical acceptance of the research agendas of developed countries, the migration of scientists and technologists (brain drain), the lack of government policies and funding, the epistemological foundations of scientific knowledge and colonial knowledge. Also analyzed the systems of science and technology in various countries-Mexico, Chile, Peru , Argentina, Germany, United States, "emphasizing the lack of integration of each component in the Latin American case, and therefore questioning the very existence of a system. In this process, they identified some novel experiences, Cuba, Ecuador and Venezuela, contributing elements for the construction of a new relationship between science, technology and society.

In order to disseminate some of the discussions referred to, it was decided to publish this book, which includes a selection of papers, which have been grouped into three main themes: Science, Technology and Development, Science and Technology Policy Education and scientific and technological training. In the first paragraph are incorporated three items that have the central axis of problematization, addressed by different perspectives, the relationship is established between science, technology and development. Silvana Figueroa says in Latin America has lacked the positive attitude of the central actor in promoting development, from technology creation, so that in the process of accumulation in the region has remained underdeveloped in the pole because of the absence of a state project that addresses the appropriation of progress. Through historical analysis of the experiences of England and Germany, the author demonstrates, in the first case, the active role of the state to promote the industrial revolution, protecting productive knowledge and learning that were generated and allowed the consolidation of industrial capital . In the German experience underlines the interventionist and protective attitude of the State including direct involvement in agricultural technology generation. The author concludes by submitting a progress review resulting from the process of import substitution in Latin America and the subsequent acceptance of the neoliberal model, with a strong limitation on the State to act in science and technology, the region condemned to underdevelopment and dependency.

For his part, Luis Manuel Lara considers it necessary to reassess the scientific and technological knowledge, sizing creative expression and criticism at the same time aims to transcend what he calls the idea of \u200b\u200bone-dimensional development. The author discusses that in versions official science-technology relationship, the economic development predominates to the detriment of the biological, social, cultural and spirit. He notes that this vision vanishes, kidnaps, the potential of science and technology to bear on the development, the mechanism by which this is achieved is the subordination castration daily, from public policy, all the economic dimensions For example, education refers to training for working life. The final proposal suggests turning to the construction of a multidimensional view of development, to recover the natural and cultural diversity, together with the potentiality of thought scientific and technological.

Close Germain Sanchez's article, which it reviews the different interpretations of the relationship between science-technology-development in the Latin American context. Historically reconstructing the development of modernity and the role of science and technology in capitalist society, there is a proposal of periodization of the evolution of ideas about science, technology policy and productive structures of the region, stopping in the neoliberal pattern analysis, which strengthens the utility of science functionalism. The author shows how This functionalism is implemented in Latin America, through the policies promoted by the advanced capitalist countries and international management institutions, however, there is also the emergence of critical perspectives that contradict the dominant view, the views expressed in dispute on changes in social systems and scientific and technological research, and although the dominant neoliberal, the involvement of other actors is essential to determine new directions in the relationship between science-technology-development.

The second section comprises three articles that address issues public policies in science and technology. After locating the ambivalent relationship of the peripheral countries around the scientific and technological developments, such as an engine for development and as an element that deepens their condition peripherally, Alejandra Vidal discusses the basics of various positions on public policy and contrasts with the urgent needs for countries in Latin America. Recognizes that it is essential to increase investment in science and technology, but goes further to emphasize the urgent definition of strategic lines linking the continent with a model of development. In this perspective, the author argues for policies that constitute a pattern cooperative in the region, while a broadening of efforts that can be done and achieved more efficiently address the structural dependence.

Then, Leonel Álvarez highlights the existence of an intrinsic relationship between state, science and democracy, that to the extent that science affects development. The ability of the state to build consensus is essential to achieve this impact. The exercise of patronage practices, heritage and biased (party), prevented the formation of a consensus agenda and further properly weigh scientific and technological activity. The author advocates the development of science and technology policies inclusive, in which the different actors to express their interests, being essential to consider the reconstitution of the capital-labor ratio, which in Latin America has been based on the exploitation of the immediate work This situation has hindered the organization of scientific work to produce progress. The author concludes by proposing the planning of science in a democratic, legitimate social and political relevance at the same time trying to establish a state and a democracy to science. For its part, Oregonian and analyzes policies Piñero cooperation in science and technology in Argentina, noting the welfare character has had throughout the postwar period. Through literature review, found that although there have been changes in recent years, has continued the development of local agendas based on the cooperation is guided by the perspectives of developed countries, in particular addresses the case of European Union. It is recognized that the relations arising in the current phase of globalization have changed the terms of cooperation, giving more space to local, while on the other hand, the new division of labor leads to concentration power and capacity in the production of knowledge. In the case of Argentina, it appears that is cooperation from the offer made by developed countries, where the state is displaced as a key player and there are new private actors, including corporations and civil society organizations . Thus, the authors argue, local agendas are constructed, in which there is an absence of a national project to incorporate, effective and real, the interests of different actors in the country and Latin America.

Finally, Section Education and scientific and technological training begins with an article by Nemesio Espinoza, which examines the status of graduate studies at universities in Peru and its relationship to scientific knowledge production and innovation. The author starts by considering that universities are institutions that, in essence, have the task of producing and disseminating science, technology and innovation, so it is essential to perform research activities within them, with the graduate school programs with this responsibility. However, the analysis of the Peruvian universities shows that these institutions are professionalizing, receiving and transmitting of science and technology generated externally. He concludes that such universities are not only not fulfilling their role but also its graduate programs are highly commodified and subject to the logic of demand and obtain resources, it raises the urgent restructuring of the university system in general and in particular graduate programs.

This third section is closed with the text of Carames and Maria Gabriela Mota Sarita which studies the formation of workers as an embodiment of science and technology concerns that were under the government of President Getulio Vargas in Brazil. Throughout the paper a detailed account of the construction of a proposed development and the role played by technology, which at that time was specific on the concern for training cadres to improve the production system as a whole, was regarded science as an activity that should be linked to productive activity in the service of economic and social development. The authors show how the presidential administration Vargas materialize these ideas through an enhancement of technical knowledge, creating institutions and organizations that promote, emphasize the training of workers and the way it links the country's development with qualification and rationalization of work. As you can see the reader, set of articles in this book reflect analytical problems and perspectives very different and in some topics may be placed positions. The element shared by all, is the critical analysis of the role of science and technology in development. In this way, we hope that the articles contribute to the debates that are currently present in our Latin America, which lay at its center the revaluation of development.



Thursday, February 10, 2011

How Long Does It Take To Get A Shiny Starter

Standing Committee approved to reduce the VAT to 18%

By: Wens Silvestre
The Executive introduced Bill No. 4660 / 2010-PE-Tax Law General Sales and Excise Tax, which aims to reduce from 17% to 16% VAT, 2% holding in the IPM, accounting for a total of 18% VAT-IPM, which approved rate this afternoon the Standing Committee of Congress, after a debate over policy consideration than technical. On the eve of an election, everything is approved in Parliament without a serious analysis, simply using the wrong perception of the electorate to hear discuss measures such as reducing the GST. Reality shows us that the only ones who will benefit from this measure will be the mercantilist, because they move this tiny reduction in the final prices of goods and services to consumers.

The justification used is the same as always - favor the poor by reducing the impact of expected increase in international oil prices and food prices will directly affect the consumer goods, it is therefore necessary to implement measures that will reduce this impact in the population, such as the reduction of one percentage point of GST. And what about the role of the Central Reserve Bank, is it not the responsibility of ensuring monetary stability. Or is it that now the MEF aims to compensate the BCRP.

According to the explanatory memorandum of this project, estimates that reducing the GST rate by one percentage point corresponds to a decrease in the collection of S /. 1 530 million in 2011, however, on the eve, the Chief of the Sunat noted that the fiscal cost of this measure would be S /. 3 billion.

On the other hand, if we compare the rate of sales tax / VAT in Latin America, we can infer that the VAT rate in Peru is on the average, see:

Brazil: 25%
Urugual: 22%
Argentina: 21%
Chile: 19%
Peru: 19% (17% VAT + 2% IPM)
OECD: 18%
Colombia: 16%
Bolivia: 13%
Ecuador: 12 %
Venezuela: 12%

Interestingly, the three countries apply lower rates are those in a permanent crisis of inflation.

In countries such as Peru, where abounds informality and tax evasion and tax avoidance is rampant, this measure may justify the lower rate applicable the VAT, however, I do not encourage formalized, unless it has a significantly reduced rate of up to 3% (ideally 15% VAT).

On the appropriateness of the measure, finally, he political calculus, because in an election, anything goes. It had to do further study to make a decision as important as this.

The rationale behind the congressmen are just electoral character, because they know that if they vote against, hurt the candidacy of his party.

This measure was best left to the incoming government , but the die is cast. At this time, the Standing Committee has already approved the law reducing the VAT to 18%.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

How To Wear Slip-on Loafers


By: Wens Silvestre
The low tax burden in the country, not only due to tax evasion and tax avoidance, but primarily to tax benefits enjoyed by certain sectors of the economy that makes it impossible to raise the tax burden. For the Chief Sunat, Nahil Hirsh - " impeding further progress in the quest to broaden the tax base exemptions policy is representing two percentage points of GDP, as well as low levels of most Peruvians because inafectación current limits, do not pay income tax. "
According to the MMM 2011-2013, it was estimated that in 2010 these costs represent 2.21% Tax GDP, while for the present year 2011 was estimated at 2.04% of GDP, but let's not forget that in late January this year, rationalization process was suspended the exemptions in the Amazon. This would imply that tax expenditure estimates for this year would increase to reach the same level as estimated by 2010 (see chart).

Who lose the tax benefits?

actually are benefiting various economic agents involved in sectors such as agriculture, mining, oil, education, fisheries, construction, manufacturing (zones), transport, culture and sports (including non-sporting events, etc.). In reality, the state lacks a visionary policy on tax policy. Tax benefits are granted only for convenience "cheap politics" arguing situations and using the poor as those who directly benefit with these measures. It has been abundantly demonstrated that the exemptions, inafecciones, returns, differentiated rates and other tax benefits are not only discriminatory, but distorts the functioning of the virtues of the market, creating inefficiencies in resource management, and bottom benefiting certain business groups.

We have repeated on many occasions that the granting of tax benefits should be made after evaluation of costs and benefits and subject to the achievement of expected results. The Amazon is the bad example that benefits corporate-mercantilist-groups that have not generated any profit in the development of the Amazon region, more on the other hand has created and institutionalized a bad habit of living off the state, justifying "n" situations. There are regions in the country worse off than they would have right to special treatment, regions and Apurimac, Huancavelica and Ayacucho, however, in these few economic units pay their taxes.

The other chronic illness is referred to the tax inafección the education sector (private universities, private institutes, private schools) that businesses have become "round" for their promoters to have the luxury of financing political parties involved in the electoral process. These educational institutions, laboratories should strive to implement and fund research projects of their students. Therefore, it is important that the state remove these tax benefits and education sector would capture more tax resources should be used to finance through scholarships to top students from both schools, colleges and universities. Necessarily have to be a constitutional reform in taxation, this must be the challenge of the new government.

Most outrageous are the benefits have yet certain mining companies, with the famous law contracts were granted tax benefits including tax returns, different rates of income tax (many mining companies fail to pay 30% of income tax that will accrue to do their like) these measures, supposedly to promote investments in this sector, it is outrageous for a state that requires basic needs of the population.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Installing Tiles Of Various Thickness


By: Wens Silvestre

The Tenth State Policy of the National Agreement on Poverty Reduction, commits the state to effectively prioritize the fight against poverty and reducing applying social inequality comprehensive policies and mechanisms to ensure equal economic opportunities, social and political. In this regard, the State agrees to give priority assistance to groups in extreme poverty, excluded and vulnerable, from a sustainable human approach and a decentralized .

Huancavelica, is the region that contributed significantly, by more than 450 years, the country's development through its mineral resources and even forest, extracted from colonial times. Currently contributes , with hydropower resources, water supply and agricultural products.

However have contributed to economic development, Huancavelica, the poorest region , districts and provinces have the highest rates of extreme poverty, illiteracy, malnutrition and neglect manifests itself, these social problems must be reversed urgently for all who are part of the State Peruano.

In that sense, the Huancavelica region, requires greater financial resources, financial and human resources to implement policies to develop long-term to manifest in improving the quality of life of Huancavelica .

State policy is , the ongoing decentralization process and binding, allowing the development of the country, laid down in Article 188 of the Constitution Peru.

In Huancavelica Region are located the country's main hydroelectric plants, operated by the Company ELECTROPERU SA., It has two power plants that make up the Mantaro Hydroelectric Complex , with an installed capacity of 1008 MW and a thermal power station located in the Tumbes department with an installed capacity of 18 MW.

Mantaro Hydroelectric Complex, is the main country's generation that supplies 25% demand (2010) of the National Interconnected System (SEIN).

has two headquarters: of Ermine Country with an approximate area of \u200b\u200b600 hectares and Tablachaca Dam (Kichwa) with 65 hectares. Ermine field is located in the Province Tayacaja , Colcabamba District at 170 km the city of Huancayo, 470 km the city of Lima. Kichwa is located in Colcabamba district, Huancavelica Department, at 60 kilometers Country Ermine and 100 kilometers from the city of Huancayo.

's been 38 years since the creation of ELECTROPERU SA and in them the fulfillment of their mission, that of strengthening the foundations for development of a sound and competitive national electricity, but, however, has not benefited Huancavelica Region or the service or the resources and profits obtained result of the exploitation of hydropower resources (except the Canon hydropower that are limited resources transferred by the National Government-In Fiscal 2010 the Regional Government of Huancavelica received for such costs S /. 16.68 million).

space and time has come to give back to the town of Huancavelica Region , for his contribution to the country, as outlined in the second paragraph of the preamble, without being heard screams and silence forever the state.

also the Peruvian State has had the inequitable distribution policy from the beginning of the Republic . In Huancavelica, as reported by INEI 2009, 77.2% of the population is in poverty-stricken , meanwhile, a study of the UNDP concludes that 88% of Huancavelica survive on incomes of $ 1 per day , ie the State is missing, and businesses and corporations that exploited the mineral resources, did not fulfill their social responsibility to the region Huancavelica.

The State is only serving and caring for active employees and public sector liabilities, ie, insensitive bureaucratic burden, that lives off the backs of state and the country's reality. In that sense, it is necessary to redirect the inefficient and ineffective distribution policy that gigantic gap between the most and least.
Article 58 º of the Constitution Peru, provides that the state guides the development of the country, and operates mainly in the areas of promoting employment, health, education, security, utilities and infrastructure.
Article 60 º of the same constitution says that the state can do business alternatively, directly or indirectly, because of high public interest or national interest manifested .
Law N º 27170 "Law of the National Fund for Financing Business Activity - FONAFE" states that this body is responsible for raising funds from public companies on behalf of the Peruvian State to be transferred to the Ministry of Economy and Finance, one of which ELECTROPERU SA
With an unprecedented procedure , by Bill No. 5792, submitted by the executive, admitted on July 6, 2000, when he had finished last 1995-2000 legislature, and only with the consent of the Standing Committee of the then within 7 calendar days , without an analysis and assessment required for the project Law, adopted the autograph Law No. 27319 , with which transfers actions Electricity Company of Peru SA - SA ELECTROPERU . the National Public Savings Fund - FONAHPU . Resources constituting the Consolidated Reserve Fund (FCR).
As a result of these misguided decisions of the Peruvian State, are damaging to a company's strategic and national interest is ELECTROPERU SA in the process of growth and business expansion, considering that they can not reinvest profits, with up to 10% of these, limiting development activities and expansion projects of electricity production in the country, harming millions of Peruvians who lack this vital service energy.
Law N º 27658 , Framework Act Modernization of Management of State that the process of modernizing the management State fundamental aims at obtaining higher efficiency levels of the state apparatus, so as to achieve better service to citizens, prioritizing and optimizing the use of public resources.
The Peruvian economy has grown over the past 30 years at an average rate of 3% ( 1971-2009 According to ECLAC, Peru grew at an annual rate of 2.9% ) and sustainable in the last eight years, at an average rate of 5.5% this tax revenues have nearly doubled in less than six years with an estimated revenue of S /. 67.4 billion this year 2011, and although circumstantially with a fiscal deficit estimate to 1.0% del PBI.  El Poder Ejecutivo, administra holgadamente recursos financieros suficientes para cumplir con sus obligaciones previsionales , sin necesidad de perjudicar a una de las pocas empresas estatales que a pesar del ahogamiento financiero que le impusieron, logra ejercicio tras ejercicio fiscal, significativos márgenes de rentabilidad. Estas utilidades obtenidas deben reinvertirse en la expansión de la propia empresa y con ello aportar significativamente en el desarrollo energético del país   y de la región.
ELECTROPERÚ S.A. está siendo perjudicado su expansión y crecimiento empresarial debido a que distributable profits are not used for reinvestment, but transferred to the Compensation Fund Pension Reserve, ie running costs, damaging the natural growth of the Company to improve their production and supply of energy for poor regions the very region where hydroelectric plants are located, Huancavelica .